Thermodynamic and aerodynamic measurements were carried out in a linear turbine cascade with transonic flow field. Heat transfer and adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness resulting from the interaction of the flow field and the ejected coolant at the endwall were measured and will be discussed in two parts. The investigations were performed in the Windtunnel for Straight Cascades (EGG) at DLR, Go¨ttingen. The film-cooled NGV endwall was operated at representative dimensionless engine conditions of Mach and Reynolds number and respectively. Part I of the investigation discusses the aerodynamic measurements. Detailed aerodynamic measurements were carried out in the vicinity of a turbine stator endwall using conventional pressure measurements and a Laser-2-Focus (L2F) device. The L2F served as a velocimeter measuring 2D-velocity vectors and turbulence quantities and as a tool to determine the concentration of coolant ejected through a slot and through holes at the endwall. Pressure distribution measurements provided information on the endwall pressure field and its variation with coolant flow rate. Pressure probe measurements delivered cascade performance data. Oil flow visualization and laser velocimetry gave a picture of the near endwall flow field and its interference with the coolant. A strikingly strong interaction of coolant air and secondary flow field could be identified. The measurement of coolant concentration downstream of the ejection locations provided a detailed picture of the coolant flow convection and its mixing with the main flow. The relative coolant concentration in the flow field is directly comparable to the adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness measured by thermal methods at the wall.
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October 2001
Technical Papers
Film-Cooled Turbine Endwall in a Transonic Flow Field: Part I—Aerodynamic Measurements
Friedrich Kost,
Friedrich Kost
Institute of Propulsion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 37073 Go¨ttingen, Germany
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Martin Nicklas
Martin Nicklas
Institute of Propulsion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 37073 Go¨ttingen, Germany
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Friedrich Kost
Institute of Propulsion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 37073 Go¨ttingen, Germany
Martin Nicklas
Institute of Propulsion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 37073 Go¨ttingen, Germany
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 46th International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 4–7, 2001. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Institute February 2001. Paper No. 2001-GT-145. Review Chair: R. Natole.
J. Turbomach. Oct 2001, 123(4): 709-719 (11 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 2001
Article history
February 1, 2001
Kost , F., and Nicklas, M. (February 1, 2001). "Film-Cooled Turbine Endwall in a Transonic Flow Field: Part I—Aerodynamic Measurements ." ASME. J. Turbomach. October 2001; 123(4): 709–719.
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