AA2218–Al2O3(TiO2) composites are synthesized by stirring 2, 5, and 7 wt % of 1:2 mixture of Al2O3:TiO2 powders in molten AA2218 alloy. T61 heat-treated composites characterized for microstructure and hardness. Dry sliding wear tests conducted on pin-on-disk setup at available loads 4.91–13.24 N, sliding speed of 1.26 m/s up to sliding distance of 3770 m. Stir cast AA2218 alloy (unreinforced, 0 wt % composite) wears quickly by adhesion, following Archard's law. Aged alloy exhibits lesser wear rate than unaged (solutionized). Mathematical relationship between wear rate and load proposed for solutionized and peak aged alloy. Volume loss in wear increases linearly with sliding distance but drops with the increase in particle wt % at a given load, attributed to the increase in hardness due to matrix reinforcement. Minimum wear rate is recorded in 5 wt % composite due to increased particles retention, lesser porosity, and uniform particle distribution. In composites, wear phenomenon is complex, combination of adhesive and abrasive wear which includes the effect of shear rate, due to sliding action in composite, and abrasive effect (three body wear) of particles. General mathematical relationship for wear rate of T61 aged composite as a function of particle wt % load is suggested. Fe content on worn surface increases with the increase in particle content and counterface temperature increases with the increase in load. Coefficient of friction decreases with particle addition but increases in 7 wt % composite due to change in microstructure.
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March 2018
Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of 2218 Al-Alloy-Al2O3(TiO2) Hybrid Composites
Vineet Tirth
Vineet Tirth
Associate Professor
Research Center for Advanced Materials
Science (RCAMS),
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
King Khalid University,
P.O. Box 9004,
Abha 61413, Asir, Saudi Arabia
e-mails: vtirth@kku.edu.sa; v.tirth@gmail.com
Research Center for Advanced Materials
Science (RCAMS),
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
King Khalid University,
P.O. Box 9004,
Abha 61413, Asir, Saudi Arabia
e-mails: vtirth@kku.edu.sa; v.tirth@gmail.com
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Vineet Tirth
Associate Professor
Research Center for Advanced Materials
Science (RCAMS),
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
King Khalid University,
P.O. Box 9004,
Abha 61413, Asir, Saudi Arabia
e-mails: vtirth@kku.edu.sa; v.tirth@gmail.com
Research Center for Advanced Materials
Science (RCAMS),
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
College of Engineering,
King Khalid University,
P.O. Box 9004,
Abha 61413, Asir, Saudi Arabia
e-mails: vtirth@kku.edu.sa; v.tirth@gmail.com
Contributed by the Tribology Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received April 24, 2017; final manuscript received August 6, 2017; published online September 29, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Dae-Eun Kim.
J. Tribol. Mar 2018, 140(2): 021603 (9 pages)
Published Online: September 29, 2017
Article history
April 24, 2017
August 6, 2017
Tirth, V. (September 29, 2017). "Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of 2218 Al-Alloy-Al2O3(TiO2) Hybrid Composites." ASME. J. Tribol. March 2018; 140(2): 021603. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4037697
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