Computing the thermoelastic displacement of three-dimensional stationary or moving bodies subject to frictional heating is an essential numerical procedure for the complex modeling of the contact of tribological components. Surface Roughness inevitably causes the irregularity of the frictional heat distribution, and thus complicates the process of the numerical simulation of contact problems. The surface normal thermoelastic displacement has been studied in previous papers for either stationary bodies with irregularly distributed heat or moving bodies with regularly distributed heat. In this work, irregularly distributed frictional heat is applied on the surface of a moving body. Temperature and surface normal thermoelastic displacement are solved by using an efficient numerical procedure involving the discrete convolution and fast Fourier transform algorithm and frequency response functions. The thermoelastic displacement due to frictional heat that is proportional to the contact pressure is comparable to the elastic displacement caused by the contact pressure and is not sensitive to the roughness texture. The transient performance of multiple heat sources with different shapes, as well as the mutual influence, is also studied.
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October 2003
Technical Notes
Surface Normal Thermoelastic Displacement in Moving Rough Contacts
Shuangbiao Liu,
Shuangbiao Liu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
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Qian Wang,
Qian Wang
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
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Stephen J. Harris
Stephen J. Harris
Physical and Environmental Science Dept, MD #3083, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI 48121
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Shuangbiao Liu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
Qian Wang
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
Stephen J. Harris
Physical and Environmental Science Dept, MD #3083, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI 48121
Contributed by the Tribology Division for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received by the Tribology Division July 30, 2002 revised manuscript received January 28, 2003. Associate Editor: G. G. Adams.
J. Tribol. Oct 2003, 125(4): 862-868 (7 pages)
Published Online: September 25, 2003
Article history
July 30, 2002
January 28, 2003
September 25, 2003
Liu , S., Wang , Q., and Harris , S. J. (September 25, 2003). "Surface Normal Thermoelastic Displacement in Moving Rough Contacts ." ASME. J. Tribol. October 2003; 125(4): 862–868.
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