Unbalanced composite layups with bend-twist coupling show potential for aeroelastic tailoring in wind turbine blades. Before these materials can be implemented, their responses to long term cyclic loading must be considered. This paper studies the fatigue characteristics of an unbalanced glass-carbon hybrid laminate with a [45glass/−45glass/24carbon/24carbon]s layup. Flexural fatigue was performed at 7 different load magnitudes up to 1 × 106 cycles to characterize the failure modes and fatigue life of the composite. Stiffness degradation occurred on the tension side due to matrix cracking and small regions of delamination on the glass plies, whereas the failure mechanism of the laminate was by delamination between the glass and carbon. S-N curves were generated from experimental results and static finite element analyses (FEA) based on interlaminar shear stresses and were compared with laminates from previous literature. It was determined that the interlaminar stresses were influenced more so by the lower stiffness of the unbalanced layup than by the induced torsional deflections: leading to the conclusion that bend-twist coupling had little influence on flexural fatigue of glass-carbon hybrid composites.
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November 2014
Flexural Fatigue of Unbalanced Glass-Carbon Hybrid Composites
Kevin B. Cox,
Kevin B. Cox
Department of Engineering
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Trondheim NO-7491,
e-mail: Kevin.cox@ntnu.no
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
,Richard Birkelandsvei 2b
,Trondheim NO-7491,
e-mail: Kevin.cox@ntnu.no
1Corresponding author.
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Nils-Petter Vedvik,
Nils-Petter Vedvik
Department of Engineering
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Richard Birkelandsvei 2b,
e-mail: Nils.p.vedvik@ntnu.no
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
,Richard Birkelandsvei 2b,
Trondheim NO-7491
, Norway
e-mail: Nils.p.vedvik@ntnu.no
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Andreas T. Echtermeyer
Andreas T. Echtermeyer
Department of Engineering
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Richard Birkelandsvei 2b,
e-mail: Andreas.echtermeyer@ntnu.no
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
,Richard Birkelandsvei 2b,
Trondheim NO-7491
, Norway
e-mail: Andreas.echtermeyer@ntnu.no
Search for other works by this author on:
Kevin B. Cox
Department of Engineering
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Trondheim NO-7491,
e-mail: Kevin.cox@ntnu.no
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
,Richard Birkelandsvei 2b
,Trondheim NO-7491,
e-mail: Kevin.cox@ntnu.no
Nils-Petter Vedvik
Department of Engineering
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Richard Birkelandsvei 2b,
e-mail: Nils.p.vedvik@ntnu.no
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
,Richard Birkelandsvei 2b,
Trondheim NO-7491
, Norway
e-mail: Nils.p.vedvik@ntnu.no
Andreas T. Echtermeyer
Department of Engineering
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Richard Birkelandsvei 2b,
e-mail: Andreas.echtermeyer@ntnu.no
Design and Materials,
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
,Richard Birkelandsvei 2b,
Trondheim NO-7491
, Norway
e-mail: Andreas.echtermeyer@ntnu.no
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING: Including Wind Energy and Building Energy Conservation. Manuscript received October 15, 2013; final manuscript received May 20, 2014; published online June 10, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Yves Gagnon.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Nov 2014, 136(4): 041011 (8 pages)
Published Online: June 10, 2014
Article history
October 15, 2013
Revision Received:
May 20, 2014
Cox, K. B., Vedvik, N., and Echtermeyer, A. T. (June 10, 2014). "Flexural Fatigue of Unbalanced Glass-Carbon Hybrid Composites." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. November 2014; 136(4): 041011. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4027751
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