The inelastic deformation behavior of the PMR-15 neat resin, a high-temperature thermoset polymer, was investigated at temperatures in the 274–316 °C range. The experimental program was designed to explore the influence of strain rate on monotonic loading at various temperatures. In addition, the effects of prior strain rate on relaxation response and on creep behavior following strain-controlled loading were examined at temperatures in the range of interest. Positive, nonlinear strain rate sensitivity is observed in monotonic loading at all temperatures investigated. Both relaxation behavior and creep are profoundly influenced by prior strain rate at all temperatures. The time-dependent mechanical behavior of the PMR-15 polymer is also strongly affected by temperature. The elastic modulus decreases and the departure from quasi-linear behavior is accelerated with increasing temperature. Stress levels in the region of inelastic flow decrease as the temperature increases. The relaxation behavior as well as the creep response is strongly influenced by temperature. The viscoplasticity theory based on overstress for polymers (VBOP) is augmented to model the effects of temperature on the inelastic deformation behavior of PMR-15. VBOP is a unified state variable theory with growth laws for three state variables: the equilibrium stress, the kinematic stress, and the isotropic stress. Based on the experimental findings several VBOP model parameters are developed as functions of temperature. The augmented model is employed to predict the response of the material under both strain- and stress-controlled loading histories at temperatures in the range of interest. Comparison with experimental data demonstrates that the augmented VBOP successfully predicts the inelastic deformation behavior of PMR-15 polymer under various loading histories at temperatures between 274 and 316 °C.
The Rate (Time)-Dependent Mechanical Behavior of the PMR-15 Thermoset Polymer at Temperatures in the 274–316 °C Range: Experiments and Modeling
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received June 9, 2011; final manuscript received February 6, 2012; published online October 18, 2012. Assoc. Editor: Young W. Kwon.
This material is declared a work of the US Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Ryther, C. E. C., and Ruggles-Wrenn, M. B. (October 18, 2012). "The Rate (Time)-Dependent Mechanical Behavior of the PMR-15 Thermoset Polymer at Temperatures in the 274–316 °C Range: Experiments and Modeling." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. December 2012; 134(6): 061404.
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