Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received by the PVP Division, July 19, 2001; revised manuscript received May 20, 2002. Associate Editor: I. T. Kisisel.

Jones and Holliday 1 recently reported simulations of clamped circular disks employing a continuum finite element method and elastic/plastic material models. An interesting conclusion of that work is that using a small strain small deflection elastic perfectly plastic model (SSSD EPP in the notation of 1) is a conservative way to estimate burst pressures. Limit analysis-based closed-form expressions for collapse loads of clamped uniformly loaded circular plates exist in the literature. The purpose of the present note is to compare these expressions to the limit load results obtained numerically in 1.

Limit analysis of axisymmetrically loaded circular plates is based on the idealization of so-called “full section” yielding in which...

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