This paper describes a novel fabrication technique called hybrid deposition manufacturing (HDM), which combines additive manufacturing (AM) processes such as fused deposition manufacturing (FDM) with material deposition and embedded components to produce multimaterial parts and systems for robotics, mechatronics, and articulated mechanism applications. AM techniques are used to print both permanent components and sacrificial molds for deposited resins and inserted parts. Design strategies and practical techniques for developing these structures and molds are described, taking into account considerations such as printer resolution, build direction, and printed material strength. The strengths of interfaces between printed and deposited materials commonly used in the authors' implementation of the process are measured to characterize the robustness of the resulting parts. The process is compared to previously documented layered manufacturing methodologies, and the authors present examples of systems produced with the process, including robot fingers, a multimaterial airless tire, and an articulated camera probe. This effort works toward simplifying fabrication and assembly complexity over comparable techniques, leveraging the benefits of AM, and expanding the range of design options for robotic mechanisms.
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Hybrid Deposition Manufacturing: Design Strategies for Multimaterial Mechanisms Via Three-Dimensional Printing and Material Deposition
Raymond R. Ma,
Raymond R. Ma
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
New Haven, CT 06511
Yale University
,9 Hillhouse Avenue
,New Haven, CT 06511
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Joseph T. Belter,
Joseph T. Belter
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
New Haven, CT 06511
Yale University
,9 Hillhouse Avenue
,New Haven, CT 06511
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Aaron M. Dollar
Aaron M. Dollar
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
New Haven, CT 06520
Yale University
,15 Prospect Street
,New Haven, CT 06520
Search for other works by this author on:
Raymond R. Ma
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
New Haven, CT 06511
Yale University
,9 Hillhouse Avenue
,New Haven, CT 06511
Joseph T. Belter
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
New Haven, CT 06511
Yale University
,9 Hillhouse Avenue
,New Haven, CT 06511
Aaron M. Dollar
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
New Haven, CT 06520
Yale University
,15 Prospect Street
,New Haven, CT 06520
Contributed by the Mechanisms and Robotics Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS. Manuscript received August 2, 2014; final manuscript received November 26, 2014; published online February 27, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Satyandra K. Gupta.
J. Mechanisms Robotics. May 2015, 7(2): 021002 (10 pages)
Published Online: May 1, 2015
Article history
August 2, 2014
Revision Received:
November 26, 2014
February 27, 2015
Ma, R. R., Belter, J. T., and Dollar, A. M. (May 1, 2015). "Hybrid Deposition Manufacturing: Design Strategies for Multimaterial Mechanisms Via Three-Dimensional Printing and Material Deposition." ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. May 2015; 7(2): 021002.
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