Design-by-analogy is a powerful approach to augment traditional concept generation methods by expanding the set of generated ideas using similarity relationships from solutions to analogous problems. While the concept of design-by-analogy has been known for some time, few actual methods and tools exist to assist designers in systematically seeking and identifying analogies from general data sources, databases, or repositories, such as patent databases. A new method for extracting functional analogies from data sources has been developed to provide this capability, here based on a functional basis rather than form or conflict descriptions. Building on past research, we utilize a functional vector space model (VSM) to quantify analogous similarity of an idea's functionality. We quantitatively evaluate the functional similarity between represented design problems and, in this case, patent descriptions of products. We also develop document parsing algorithms to reduce text descriptions of the data sources down to the key functions, for use in the functional similarity analysis and functional vector space modeling. To do this, we apply Zipf's law on word count order reduction to reduce the words within the documents down to the applicable functionally critical terms, thus providing a mapping process for function based search. The reduction of a document into functional analogous words enables the matching to novel ideas that are functionally similar, which can be customized various ways. This approach thereby provides relevant sources of design-by-analogy inspiration. As a verification of the approach, two original design problem case studies illustrate the distance range of analogical solutions that can be extracted. This range extends from very near-field, literal solutions to far-field cross-domain analogies.
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October 2014
Function Based Design-by-Analogy: A Functional Vector Approach to Analogical Search
Jeremy Murphy,
Jeremy Murphy
Schlumberger Limited
,Sugarland, TX 77478
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Katherine Fu,
Katherine Fu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Cambridge, MA 02139
1Corresponding author.
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Kevin Otto,
Kevin Otto
Engineering Product,
Development Pillar,
Development Pillar,
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 138682
Search for other works by this author on:
Maria Yang,
Maria Yang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
,Cambridge, MA 02139
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Dan Jensen,
Dan Jensen
United States Air Force Academy
,Colorado Springs, CO 80840
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Kristin Wood
Kristin Wood
Engineering Product,
Development Pillar,
Development Pillar,
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 138682
Search for other works by this author on:
Jeremy Murphy
Schlumberger Limited
,Sugarland, TX 77478
Katherine Fu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Cambridge, MA 02139
Kevin Otto
Engineering Product,
Development Pillar,
Development Pillar,
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 138682
Maria Yang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
,Cambridge, MA 02139
Dan Jensen
United States Air Force Academy
,Colorado Springs, CO 80840
Kristin Wood
Engineering Product,
Development Pillar,
Development Pillar,
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 138682
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Design Theory and Methodology Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received June 20, 2013; final manuscript received July 16, 2014; published online August 14, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Jonathan Cagan.
J. Mech. Des. Oct 2014, 136(10): 101102 (16 pages)
Published Online: August 14, 2014
Article history
June 20, 2013
Revision Received:
July 16, 2014
Murphy, J., Fu, K., Otto, K., Yang, M., Jensen, D., and Wood, K. (August 14, 2014). "Function Based Design-by-Analogy: A Functional Vector Approach to Analogical Search." ASME. J. Mech. Des. October 2014; 136(10): 101102.
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