A servo system moves a mass from one position to another as quickly as possible. A servo motor requires very high short term torque and should be able to accelerate and decelerate very quickly. In other words, a servomotor should be able to produce high torque and its inertia must be low. The paper concentrates on the mechanical design optimization of the rotor assembly, given the existing physical constraints of the prototype motor. The existing physical constraints include the rotor dimensions. To reduce the cogging torque, the different magnet shape and skew were manufactured and tested. Using the above design the ratio of torque to the moment of inertia of the rotor goes to its minimum amount. As a result, the acceleration and deceleration of the system will be improved.
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January 2005
Technical Papers
Mechanical Optimization of Servo Motor
A. Basu,
e-mail: animesh_basu@uow.edu.au
A. Basu
Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia
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S. A. Moosavian,
S. A. Moosavian
Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia
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R. Morandini
R. Morandini
Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia
Search for other works by this author on:
A. Basu
Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia
e-mail: animesh_basu@uow.edu.au
S. A. Moosavian
Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia
R. Morandini
Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia
Contributed by the Design Automation Committee for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received November 27, 2003; revised March 17, 2004. Associate Editor: W. Chen.
J. Mech. Des. Jan 2005, 127(1): 58-61 (4 pages)
Published Online: March 2, 2005
Article history
November 27, 2003
March 17, 2004
March 2, 2005
Basu, A., Moosavian , S. A., and Morandini, R. (March 2, 2005). "Mechanical Optimization of Servo Motor ." ASME. J. Mech. Des. January 2005; 127(1): 58–61. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1804196
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