Approximate equations produced by Trachman |15| are used to predict the coefficient of sliding friction between the gear teeth. These equations apply when the lubrication regime is elastohydrodynamic; this is true during many gear contacts. The equations, which require only certain basic characteristics of the lubricant and the gears, are relatively simple and produce values for the coefficient of friction which are acceptable. The use of this coefficient of friction, together with a calculation for the rolling friction force allows the calculation of instantaneous and overall efficiency of the gear train. Contact ratios greater than one are accounted for and the load is assumed to be shared equally between the pairs of teeth. The computed values show that the load torque has a significant effect on both coefficient of friction and efficiency; as the load increases the coefficient of friction increases and the efficiency decreases. The effect of speed does not, over the small range of computations made, have as much significance as load, although it appears that efficiency will probably increase as the speed increases. Comparison of these predicted results with the few experimental tests which are relevant indicates some support, especially for the load effect.

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