A general forced-vibration analysis is presented for laminated anisotropic rectangular plates including material damping. The theory used is the laminated version of the Mindlin plate theory and includes thickness-shear flexibility and rotatory and coupling inertia. Solution is obtained by the Rayleigh-Ritz method, extended to include the energy dissipated and the work done by the excitation. The analysis is applied to prediction of the resonant frequencies and associated nodal patterns and damping ratios of the first five modes for a series of rectangular plates with free edges. The plates considered consist of unidirectional boron-fiber/epoxy composite material with respective fiber orientations of 0, 10, 30, 45, 60, and 90 deg. Using ply stiffness and damping properties obtained from micromechanics analyses and constituent-material experimental properties, the agreement with the corresponding experimental results reported in the literature are excellent.

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