About the Journal
The Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power publishes original papers, both theoretical and applied, in the broad technical areas of gas and steam turbines, aircraft engines, internal combustion engines, and power generation. It covers the specific technical areas described in the Scope section below. Research papers are peer-reviewed full-length articles of considerable depth. The journal also publishes technical briefs, design innovation papers, topical reviews, discussions of published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Papers of high mathematical interest must also have a strong relevance to engineering.
Aircraft engines; Coal, biomass and alternative fuels; Combustion, fuels and emissions; Compressor stall and surge; Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis; Controls, diagnostics, instrumentation, and measurement techniques; Cycle innovations; Diffuser and exhaust systems; Energy conversion, thermodynamic cycles and power plants; Heat transfer and thermal management; Internal combustion engines; New and emerging technologies; Oil and gas applications; Power generation plants; Steam turbines; Structures and dynamics including rotordynamics, bearings and seals, blading and aeromechanics; Compressor and mechanical design and performance applied to turbomachinery.
Diversity and Inclusion The Technical Committee on Publications and Communications endorses the commitment of ASME to support diversity and to create and ensure inclusive and ethical practices for publishing as well as the science and engineering professions.
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 0742-4795
eISSN: 1528-8919
Title History
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (ISSN: 0742-4795), 1984 - Present
Journal of Engineering for Power (ISSN: 0022-0825), 1959 - 1983
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Impact Factor: 1.4
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