The breakup, penetration, droplet size, and size distribution of a Jet A-1 fuel in air crossflow has been investigated with focus given to the impact of surrounding air pressure. Data have been collected by particle Doppler phased analyzer (PDPA), Mie-scattering with high speed photography augmented by laser sheet, and Mie-scattering with intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD) camera augmented by nanopulse lamp. Nozzle orifice diameter, do, was 0.508 mm and nozzle orifice length to diameter ratio, lo/do, was 5.5. Air crossflow velocities ranged from 29.57 to 137.15 m/s, air pressures from 2.07 to 9.65 bar, and temperature held constant at 294.26 K. Fuel flow provides a range of fuel/air momentum flux ratio (q) from 5 to 25 and Weber number from 250 to 1000. From the results, adjusted correlation of the mean drop size has been proposed using drop size data measured by PDPA as follows: . This correlation agrees well and shows roles of aerodynamic Weber number, Wea, momentum flux ratio, q, and density ratio, ρl/ρa. Change of the breakup regime map with respect to surrounding air pressure has been observed and revealed that the boundary between each breakup modes can be predicted by a transformed correlation obtained from above correlation. In addition, the spray trajectory for the maximum Mie-scattering intensity at each axial location downstream of injector is extracted from averaged Mie-scattering images. From these results, correlations with the relevant parameters including q, x/do, density ratio, viscosity ratio, and Weber number are made over a range of conditions. According to spray trajectory at the maximum Mie-scattering intensity, the effect of surrounding air pressure becomes more important in the farfield. On the other hand, effect of aerodynamic Weber number is more important in the nearfield.
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April 2015
Liquid Jets in Subsonic Air Crossflow at Elevated Pressure
Jinkwan Song,
Jinkwan Song
Combustion Research Laboratory,
School of Aerospace Systems,
School of Aerospace Systems,
University of Cincinnati
,745 Baldwin Hall
,Cincinnati, OH 45221-0070
Search for other works by this author on:
Charles Cary Cain,
Charles Cary Cain
Combustion Research Laboratory,
School of Aerospace Systems,
School of Aerospace Systems,
University of Cincinnati
,745 Baldwin Hall
,Cincinnati, OH 45221-0070
Search for other works by this author on:
Jong Guen Lee
Jong Guen Lee
Combustion Research Laboratory,
School of Aerospace Systems,
Combustion Research Laboratory,
School of Aerospace Systems,
University of Cincinnati
,745 Baldwin Hall
,Cincinnati, OH 45221-0070
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Jinkwan Song
Combustion Research Laboratory,
School of Aerospace Systems,
School of Aerospace Systems,
University of Cincinnati
,745 Baldwin Hall
,Cincinnati, OH 45221-0070
Charles Cary Cain
Combustion Research Laboratory,
School of Aerospace Systems,
School of Aerospace Systems,
University of Cincinnati
,745 Baldwin Hall
,Cincinnati, OH 45221-0070
Jong Guen Lee
Combustion Research Laboratory,
School of Aerospace Systems,
Combustion Research Laboratory,
School of Aerospace Systems,
University of Cincinnati
,745 Baldwin Hall
,Cincinnati, OH 45221-0070
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Combustion and Fuels Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received July 10, 2014; final manuscript received July 24, 2014; published online October 28, 2014. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Apr 2015, 137(4): 041502 (12 pages)
Published Online: October 28, 2014
Article history
July 10, 2014
Revision Received:
July 24, 2014
Song, J., Cary Cain, C., and Guen Lee, J. (October 28, 2014). "Liquid Jets in Subsonic Air Crossflow at Elevated Pressure." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. April 2015; 137(4): 041502.
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