High-temperature diffusion brazing is a very important technology for filling cracks in components from single-crystalline nickel-base superalloys as used in aircraft engines and stationary gas turbines: Alloys, which are similar to the base material, are enhanced by a fast diffusing melting-point depressant (MPD) like boron or silicon, which causes solidification by diffusing into the base material. Generally, epitaxial solidification of single-crystalline materials can be achieved by use of conventional braze alloys; however, very long hold times are necessary to provide a complete diffusion of the MPD out of the braze gap. If the temperature is lowered before diffusion is completed, brittle secondary phases precipitate, which serve as nucleation sites for stray grains and, therefore, lead to deteriorating mechanical properties. It was demonstrated in earlier works that nickel-manganese-based braze alloys are appropriate systems for the braze repair of particularly wide gaps in the range of more than , which allow a significant shortening of the required hold times. This is caused by the complete solubility of manganese in nickel: Epitaxial solidification can be controlled by cooling in addition to diffusion. In this work, it will be shown that the nickel-manganese-based systems can be enhanced by chromium and aluminum, which is with regard to high-temperature applications, a very important aspect. Furthermore, it will be demonstrated that silicon, which could be identified as appropriate secondary MPD in recent works, can be replaced by titanium as this element has additionally a stabilizing effect. Several braze alloys containing nickel, manganese, chromium, aluminum, and titanium will be presented. Previously, the influence of the above mentioned elements on the nickel-manganese-based systems will be visualized by thermodynamic simulations. Afterward, different compositions in combination with a heat treatment, which is typical for nickel-base superalloys, will be discussed: A microstructure, which is very similar to that within the base material, can be presented.
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e-mail: sebastian.piegert@siemens.com
e-mail: j.roesler@tu-bs.de
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March 2010
Research Papers
Advanced Braze Alloys for Fast Epitaxial High-Temperature Brazing of Single-Crystalline Nickel-Base Superalloys
Sebastian Piegert,
e-mail: sebastian.piegert@siemens.com
Sebastian Piegert
Siemens AG
, Energy Sector Products Gas Turbine Engineering, Materials Applications and Joining, 45473 Mülheim, Germany
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Joachim Rösler
Joachim Rösler
Institut für Werkstoffe,
e-mail: j.roesler@tu-bs.de
Technische Universität Braunschweig
, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
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Britta Laux
Sebastian Piegert
Siemens AG
, Energy Sector Products Gas Turbine Engineering, Materials Applications and Joining, 45473 Mülheim, Germanye-mail: sebastian.piegert@siemens.com
Joachim Rösler
Institut für Werkstoffe,
Technische Universität Braunschweig
, 38106 Braunschweig, Germanye-mail: j.roesler@tu-bs.de
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Mar 2010, 132(3): 032101 (7 pages)
Published Online: December 2, 2009
Article history
March 23, 2009
April 14, 2009
December 2, 2009
December 2, 2009
Laux, B., Piegert, S., and Rösler, J. (December 2, 2009). "Advanced Braze Alloys for Fast Epitaxial High-Temperature Brazing of Single-Crystalline Nickel-Base Superalloys." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. March 2010; 132(3): 032101. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.3159376
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