The aeroelastic stability of titanium and composite blades of low aspect ratio is examined over a range of design parameters, using a Rayleigh-Ritz formulation. The blade modes include a plate-type mode to account for chordwise bending. Chord-wise flexibility is found to have a significant effect on the unstalled supersonic flutter of low-aspect-ratio blades, and also on the stability of tip sections of shrouded fan blades. For blades with a thickness of less than approximately 4 percent of chord, the chordwise, second bending, and first torsion branches are all unstable at moderately high supersonic Mach numbers. For composite blades, the important structural coupling between bending and torsion cannot be modeled properly unless chordwise bending is accounted for. Typically, aft fiber sweep produces beneficial bending-torsion coupling that is stabilizing, whereas forward fiber sweep has the opposite effect. By using crossed-ply laminate configurations, critical aeroelastic modes can be stabilized.

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