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Keywords: zeta potential
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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research-Article
J. Fluids Eng. August 2019, 141(8): 081201.
Paper No: FE-18-1591
Published Online: January 30, 2019
... is accounted as a slip boundary condition on the channel wall, which is a function of time and space. To demonstrate the applicability of the analytical model, two different surface conditions are considered: sinusoidal and step change in zeta potential along the channel surface. Depending on the zeta...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Papers
J. Fluids Eng. October 2007, 129(10): 1346–1357.
Published Online: May 16, 2007
... as in the immediate vicinity of the walls, where the streaming current is negligible. The streaming potential varies in a nonlinear manner with the zeta potential at the walls such that a maximum potential exists at a certain zeta potential. The maximum potential is also observed to increase with both the applied...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles