A new multi-phase model for low speed gas/liquid mixtures is presented; it does not require ad-hoc closure models for the variation of mixture density with pressure and yields thermodynamically correct acoustic propagation for multi-phase mixtures. The solution procedure has an interface-capturing scheme that incorporates an additional scalar transport equation for the gas void fraction. Cavitation is modeled via a finite rate source term that initiates phase change when liquid pressure drops below its saturation value. The numerical procedure has been implemented within a multi-element unstructured framework CRUNCH that permits the grid to be locally refined in the interface region. The solution technique incorporates a parallel, domain decomposition strategy for efficient 3D computations. Detailed results are presented for sheet cavitation over a cylindrical head form and a NACA 66 hydrofoil.
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June 2001
Technical Papers
Simulations of Cavitating Flows Using Hybrid Unstructured Meshes
Vineet Ahuja, Research Scientist,
Vineet Ahuja, Research Scientist
Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech), P.O. Box 1150, Dublin, PA 18917
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Ashvin Hosangadi, Principal Scientist,
Ashvin Hosangadi, Principal Scientist
Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech), P.O. Box 1150, Dublin, PA 18917
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Srinivasan Arunajatesan, Research Scientist
Srinivasan Arunajatesan, Research Scientist
Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech), P.O. Box 1150, Dublin, PA 18917
Search for other works by this author on:
Vineet Ahuja, Research Scientist
Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech), P.O. Box 1150, Dublin, PA 18917
Ashvin Hosangadi, Principal Scientist
Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech), P.O. Box 1150, Dublin, PA 18917
Srinivasan Arunajatesan, Research Scientist
Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech), P.O. Box 1150, Dublin, PA 18917
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division April 5, 2000; revised manuscript received January 29, 2001. Associate Editor: Y. Matsumoto.
J. Fluids Eng. Jun 2001, 123(2): 331-340 (10 pages)
Published Online: January 29, 2001
Article history
April 5, 2000
January 29, 2001
Ahuja, V., Hosangadi, A., and Arunajatesan, S. (January 29, 2001). "Simulations of Cavitating Flows Using Hybrid Unstructured Meshes ." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. June 2001; 123(2): 331–340. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1362671
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