The paper presents a comparison between numerical results and experimental data about the secondary flow development in a linear transonic turbine cascade. Computations are carried out by using a three-dimensional inviscid Euler code, based on a Runge-Kutta explicit finite volume method. The experimental inlet total pressure distribution is imposed as inlet boundary condition to simulate the incoming endwall boundary layer. The comparison is made in four planes downstream of the cascade where detailed experimental data obtained in a transonic wind tunnel are available. For each of these planes secondary velocities and streamwise vorticity contour plots are presented and discussed. Moreover pitchwise mass averaged flow angle distributions showing overturning and underturning regions are shown. The comparison shows that an Euler code can predict the essential features of secondary flow phenomena like passage vortex location and intensity but a certain disagreement is found in the overturning and underturning angles evaluation. Numerical results also allow for the investigation of the development of secondary flows inside the blade channel. The investigation is carried out for three different Mach numbers: M2is = 0.5, 1.02, 1.38, in order to show the influence of compressibility on the flow vortex structure.
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December 1989
Research Papers
Secondary Flows in a Transonic Cascade: Comparison Between Experimental and Numerical Results
F. Bassi,
F. Bassi
Ist. di Macchine, Universita´ di Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
C. Osnaghi,
C. Osnaghi
Dip. di Energetica, Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy
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A. Perdichizzi,
A. Perdichizzi
Dip. di Ingegneria Meccanica, Universita´ di Brescia, 25060 Brescia, Italy
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M. Savini
M. Savini
CNPM - CNR, 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI), Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
F. Bassi
Ist. di Macchine, Universita´ di Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy
C. Osnaghi
Dip. di Energetica, Politecnico di Milano, 20133 Milano, Italy
A. Perdichizzi
Dip. di Ingegneria Meccanica, Universita´ di Brescia, 25060 Brescia, Italy
M. Savini
CNPM - CNR, 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI), Italy
J. Fluids Eng. Dec 1989, 111(4): 369-377 (9 pages)
Published Online: December 1, 1989
Article history
September 20, 1988
October 26, 2009
Bassi, F., Osnaghi, C., Perdichizzi, A., and Savini, M. (December 1, 1989). "Secondary Flows in a Transonic Cascade: Comparison Between Experimental and Numerical Results." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. December 1989; 111(4): 369–377.
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