Sand production may be inevitable in many fields that have a relatively low formation strength. Sand erosion and settling predictions and sand monitoring are important elements of any effective sand production management strategy. Sand erosion predictions are used to establish tolerable sand production rates, and, thus, well productivity, and to develop cost-effective inspection frequency for critical components. Prediction of critical flow rate to prevent sand settling is important for flowlines that are not designed for pigging. Quantitative sand monitoring is essential in verifying the effectiveness of sand control procedures and in generating an important input parameter for erosion and sand settling predictions. This paper presents equations for predicting sand erosion rate and sand settling flow rate, and assesses the accuracy of these equations. In addition, the paper presents an assessment of the sensitivity of commercially available nonintrusive acoustic and intrusive electrical resistance sand monitors. [S0195-0738(00)00201-6]
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March 2000
Technical Papers
Sand Production Management
Mamdouh M. Salama
Mamdouh M. Salama
Conoco Inc., P.O. Box 1267, Ponca City, OK 74603
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Mamdouh M. Salama
Conoco Inc., P.O. Box 1267, Ponca City, OK 74603
Contributed by the Petroleum Division and presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 4–7, 1998, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the Petroleum Division, March 23, 1999; revised manuscript received December 1, 1999. Associate Technical Editor: C. Sarica.
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Mar 2000, 122(1): 29-33 (5 pages)
Published Online: December 1, 1999
Article history
March 23, 1999
December 1, 1999
Salama, M. M. (December 1, 1999). "Sand Production Management ." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. March 2000; 122(1): 29–33.
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