A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), which is a kind of fuel cell (FC) converting chemical energy into electricity directly without mechanical parts, has potential for the clean and efficient power generation from a wide variety of fuels ranging from hydrocarbons to renewables and coal-derived fuels. The Institute of Nuclear Energy Research has been committed to developing the SOFC technology since 2003 and the cell test is one of the working items in the project. Cells are the most important components in an SOFC stack, which are responsible for the electrical output functioning, as the heart in the human body, to the stack. Before stacking, it is essential to examine and evaluate the electrical performance of the cells that could be used in our stacks. There are two commercial cells tested in this paper. For both cell A, an anode supported cell, and cell B, an electrolyte supported cell, the cells with a lower open circuit voltage at a higher operating temperature are contributed by the Nernst equation. The I-V curve for a lower operating temperature with a steeper slope at the low current zone is credited to the increase of activation polarization from the triple phase boundary. Comparison between cell A and cell B, the electrical performance of cell A is better than that of cell B due to cell A possessing a lower total resistance at the same operating temperature.
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October 2014
This article was originally published in
Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology
The Comparisons of Electrical Performance and Impedance Spectrum for Two Commercial Cells
Yung-Neng Cheng,
Yung-Neng Cheng
Division of Physics,
Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: yncheng@iner.gov.tw
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
,No. 1000, Wunhua Road
,Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: yncheng@iner.gov.tw
1Corresponding author.
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Shih-Wei Cheng,
Shih-Wei Cheng
Division of Physics,
Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: hoyo@iner.gov.tw
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
,No. 1000, Wunhua Road
,Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: hoyo@iner.gov.tw
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Ruey-Yi Lee
Ruey-Yi Lee
Division of Physics,
Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: rylee@iner.gov.tw
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
No. 1000, Wunhua Road
,Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: rylee@iner.gov.tw
Search for other works by this author on:
Yung-Neng Cheng
Division of Physics,
Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: yncheng@iner.gov.tw
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
,No. 1000, Wunhua Road
,Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: yncheng@iner.gov.tw
Shih-Wei Cheng
Division of Physics,
Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: hoyo@iner.gov.tw
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
,No. 1000, Wunhua Road
,Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: hoyo@iner.gov.tw
Ruey-Yi Lee
Division of Physics,
Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: rylee@iner.gov.tw
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
No. 1000, Wunhua Road
,Jiaan Village, Longtan Township,
Taoyuan County 32546,
e-mail: rylee@iner.gov.tw
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Advanced Energy Systems Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF FUEL CELL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received December 24, 2013; final manuscript received March 21, 2014; published online May 2, 2014. Editor: Nigel M. Sammes.
J. Fuel Cell Sci. Technol. Oct 2014, 11(5): 051002 (6 pages)
Published Online: May 2, 2014
Article history
December 24, 2013
Revision Received:
March 21, 2014
Cheng, Y., Cheng, S., and Lee, R. (May 2, 2014). "The Comparisons of Electrical Performance and Impedance Spectrum for Two Commercial Cells." ASME. J. Fuel Cell Sci. Technol. October 2014; 11(5): 051002. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4027394
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