High temperature direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) using polybenzimidazole (PBI) membranes could improve the energy density of portable power sources. This study examines the polarization of vapor phase PBI DMFCs constructed with commercial membranes manufactured by a sol-gel method. The polarization of the high temperature DMFCs is compared to similar low temperature membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) using Nafion® membranes. The results showed that the cathode of the PBI DMFC had higher kinetic losses that are likely due to phosphate poisoning of the Pt electrocatalyst. At the tested conditions, the membrane conductivity of the PBI MEAs was comparable to the Nafion® MEA even with no humidification. Higher cell temperatures significantly improved PBI DMFC performance for Pt electrocatalyst electrodes. In full cell tests, the PBI DMFC MEAs had higher performance than Nafion® MEAs with similar catalyst loadings. The Pt and PtRu catalysts were tested for methanol oxidation and oxygen reduction activity by a rotating disk electrode (RDE) under 0.5 M H2SO4 and 0.5 M H3PO4. The combination of the polarization and RDE results for the PBI and Nafion® DMFCs suggest that Pt is a more active electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation in PBI than in Nafion®.
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June 2014
This article was originally published in
Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology
Polarization and Electrocatalyst Selection for Polybenzimidazole Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Brenda L. García-Díaz,
Brenda L. García-Díaz
1Corresponding author.
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Héctor R. Colón-Mercado,
Héctor R. Colón-Mercado
Savannah River National Laboratory,
Aiken, SC 29808
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Kevin Herrington,
Kevin Herrington
Savannah River National Laboratory,
Aiken, SC 29808
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Elise B. Fox
Elise B. Fox
Savannah River National Laboratory,
Aiken, SC 29808
Search for other works by this author on:
Brenda L. García-Díaz
Héctor R. Colón-Mercado
Savannah River National Laboratory,
Aiken, SC 29808
Kevin Herrington
Savannah River National Laboratory,
Aiken, SC 29808
Elise B. Fox
Savannah River National Laboratory,
Aiken, SC 29808
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Advanced Energy Systems Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF FUEL CELL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received February 8, 2013; final manuscript received August 12, 2013; published online December 27, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Umberto Desideri.
J. Fuel Cell Sci. Technol. Jun 2014, 11(3): 031001 (5 pages)
Published Online: December 27, 2013
Article history
February 8, 2013
Revision Received:
August 12, 2013
García-Díaz, B. L., Colón-Mercado, H. R., Herrington, K., and Fox, E. B. (December 27, 2013). "Polarization and Electrocatalyst Selection for Polybenzimidazole Direct Methanol Fuel Cells." ASME. J. Fuel Cell Sci. Technol. June 2014; 11(3): 031001. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4025523
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