A discrete-time robust controller design method is proposed for optimal tracking of future references in preview systems. In the context of preview systems, it is supposed that future values of the reference signal are available a number of time steps ahead. The objective is to design a control algorithm that minimizes a quadratic error between the reference and the output of the system and at the same time achieves a good level of the control signal. The proposed solution combines a robust feedback controller with a feedforward anticipative filter. The feedback controller's purpose is to assure robustness of the closed-loop system to model uncertainties. Any robust control methodology can be used (such as μ-synthesis, qft, or crone control). The focus of this paper will be on the design of the feedforward action in order to introduce the anticipative effect with respect to known future values of the reference signal without hindering the robustness achieved through the feedback controller. As such, the model uncertainties are taken into account also in the design of the feedforward anticipative filter. The proposed solution is validated in simulation and on an experimental water tank level control system.
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March 2019
Discrete-Time Robust Control With an Anticipative Action for Preview Systems
Asma Achnib,
Asma Achnib
University Bordeaux,
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
Laboratoire Modélisation, Analyse et Commande
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: asma.achnib@u-bordeaux.fr
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: asma.achnib@u-bordeaux.fr
Search for other works by this author on:
Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie,
Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie
University Bordeaux,
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: tudor-bogdan.airimitoaie@u-bordeaux.fr
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: tudor-bogdan.airimitoaie@u-bordeaux.fr
Search for other works by this author on:
Patrick Lanusse,
Patrick Lanusse
University Bordeaux,
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: patrick.lanusse@bordeaux-inp.fr
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: patrick.lanusse@bordeaux-inp.fr
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Sergey Abrashov,
Sergey Abrashov
University Bordeaux,
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: sergey.abrashov@u-bordeaux.fr
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: sergey.abrashov@u-bordeaux.fr
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Mohamed Aoun,
Mohamed Aoun
Laboratoire Modélisation, Analyse et Commande
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: mohamed.aoun@gmail.com
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: mohamed.aoun@gmail.com
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Manel Chetoui
Manel Chetoui
Laboratoire Modélisation, Analyse et Commande
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: chetoui.manel@gmail.com
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: chetoui.manel@gmail.com
Search for other works by this author on:
Asma Achnib
University Bordeaux,
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
Laboratoire Modélisation, Analyse et Commande
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: asma.achnib@u-bordeaux.fr
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: asma.achnib@u-bordeaux.fr
Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie
University Bordeaux,
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: tudor-bogdan.airimitoaie@u-bordeaux.fr
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: tudor-bogdan.airimitoaie@u-bordeaux.fr
Patrick Lanusse
University Bordeaux,
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: patrick.lanusse@bordeaux-inp.fr
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: patrick.lanusse@bordeaux-inp.fr
Sergey Abrashov
University Bordeaux,
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: sergey.abrashov@u-bordeaux.fr
Bordeaux INP,
CNRS, IMS, UMR 5218,
Talence 33405, France
e-mail: sergey.abrashov@u-bordeaux.fr
Mohamed Aoun
Laboratoire Modélisation, Analyse et Commande
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: mohamed.aoun@gmail.com
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: mohamed.aoun@gmail.com
Manel Chetoui
Laboratoire Modélisation, Analyse et Commande
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: chetoui.manel@gmail.com
des Systèmes (MACS) - LR16ES22,
National Engineering School of Gabes,
University of Gabes,
Gabes 6072, Tunisia
e-mail: chetoui.manel@gmail.com
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT,AND CONTROL. Manuscript received March 7, 2018; final manuscript received October 4, 2018; published online November 22, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Srinivasa M. Salapaka.
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Mar 2019, 141(3): 031012 (11 pages)
Published Online: November 22, 2018
Article history
March 7, 2018
October 4, 2018
Achnib, A., Airimitoaie, T., Lanusse, P., Abrashov, S., Aoun, M., and Chetoui, M. (November 22, 2018). "Discrete-Time Robust Control With an Anticipative Action for Preview Systems." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. March 2019; 141(3): 031012. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4041711
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