Experiments indicate that at small servovalve spool displacements, leakage flow between the valve spool and body dominates the orifice flow through the valve. In precision positioning applications, where the servovalve operates within the null region, this flow, if ignored, may severely degrade the performance of a conventional servohydraulic design. We have developed an improved servovalve model that combines both leakage and orifice flow. The model was developed by reviewing experimental leakage flow data and identifying a simple mathematical form that (1) made physical sense and (2) replicated experimental data. When combined with orifice relations, the model extends the accuracy and region of applicability of existing servovalve models. Furthermore, the combined model is easily parameterized using available manufacturer data. [S0022-0434(00)00403-2]

G. A.
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J. E.
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Experiments and Simulations on the Nonlinear Control of a Hydraulic Servosystem
IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol.
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