The evolution of implant stability in bone tissue remains difficult to assess because remodeling phenomena at the bone-implant interface are still poorly understood. The characterization of the biomechanical properties of newly formed bone tissue in the vicinity of implants at the microscopic scale is of importance in order to better understand the osseointegration process. The objective of this study is to investigate the potentiality of micro-Brillouin scattering techniques to differentiate mature and newly formed bone elastic properties following a multimodality approach using histological analysis. Coin-shaped Ti–6Al–4V implants were placed in vivo at a distance of from rabbit tibia leveled cortical bone surface, leading to an initially empty cavity of . After 7 weeks of implantation, the bone samples were removed, fixed, dehydrated, embedded in methyl methacrylate, and sliced into thick sections. Ultrasonic velocity measurements were performed using a micro-Brillouin scattering device within regions of interest (ROIs) of diameter. The ROIs were located in newly formed bone tissue (within the gap) and in mature bone tissue (in the cortical layer of the bone sample). The same section was then stained for histological analysis of the mineral content of the bone sample. The mean values of the ultrasonic velocities were equal to in newly formed bone tissue and in mature bone. Analysis of variance tests revealed significant differences between the two groups of measurements. The standard deviation of the velocities was significantly higher in newly formed bone than in mature bone. Histological observations allow to confirm the accurate locations of the velocity measurements and showed a lower degree of mineralization in newly formed bone than in the mature cortical bone. The higher ultrasonic velocity measured in newly formed bone tissue compared with mature bone might be explained by the higher mineral content in mature bone, which was confirmed by histology. The heterogeneity of biomechanical properties of newly formed bone at the micrometer scale may explain the higher standard deviation of velocity measurements in newly formed bone compared with mature bone. The results demonstrate the feasibility of micro-Brillouin scattering technique to investigate the elastic properties of newly formed bone tissue.
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February 2011
Research Papers
Micro-Brillouin Scattering Measurements in Mature and Newly Formed Bone Tissue Surrounding an Implant
Vincent Mathieu,
Vincent Mathieu
Laboratoire de Biomécanique Biomatériau Ostéo Articulaire, CNRS,
Université Paris 7
, UMR CNRS 7052, 10 Avenue de Verdun, Paris 75010, France
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Kenji Fukui,
Kenji Fukui
Laboratory of Ultrasonic Electronics,
Doshisha University
, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321, Japan
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Mami Matsukawa,
Mami Matsukawa
Laboratory of Ultrasonic Electronics,
Doshisha University
, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321, Japan
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Masahiko Kawabe,
Masahiko Kawabe
Laboratory of Ultrasonic Electronics,
Doshisha University
, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321, Japan
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Romain Vayron,
Romain Vayron
Laboratoire de Modélisation et de Simulation Multi-Echelle, UMR CNRS 8208, CNRS,
Université Paris Est
, 61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, Créteil 94010, France
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Emmanuel Soffer,
Emmanuel Soffer
Laboratoire de Biomécanique Biomatériau Ostéo Articulaire and Department of Periodontology, Service of Odontology, Pitié Salpetrière Hospital, et Hôtel-Dieu Hospital AP-HP, U.F.R. of Odontology,
Université Paris 7
, 5 rue Garancière, 75006 Paris, France
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Fani Anagnostou,
Fani Anagnostou
Laboratoire de Biomécanique Biomatériau Ostéo Articulaire and Department of Periodontology, Service of Odontology, Pitié Salpetrière Hospital, et Hôtel-Dieu Hospital AP-HP, U.F.R. of Odontology,
Université Paris 7
, 5 rue Garancière, 75006 Paris, France
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Guillaume Haiat
Guillaume Haiat
Laboratoire de Modélisation et de Simulation Multi-Echelle, UMR CNRS 8208, CNRS,
Université Paris Est
, 61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, Créteil 94010, France
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Vincent Mathieu
Laboratoire de Biomécanique Biomatériau Ostéo Articulaire, CNRS,
Université Paris 7
, UMR CNRS 7052, 10 Avenue de Verdun, Paris 75010, France
Kenji Fukui
Laboratory of Ultrasonic Electronics,
Doshisha University
, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321, Japan
Mami Matsukawa
Laboratory of Ultrasonic Electronics,
Doshisha University
, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321, Japan
Masahiko Kawabe
Laboratory of Ultrasonic Electronics,
Doshisha University
, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0321, Japan
Romain Vayron
Laboratoire de Modélisation et de Simulation Multi-Echelle, UMR CNRS 8208, CNRS,
Université Paris Est
, 61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, Créteil 94010, France
Emmanuel Soffer
Laboratoire de Biomécanique Biomatériau Ostéo Articulaire and Department of Periodontology, Service of Odontology, Pitié Salpetrière Hospital, et Hôtel-Dieu Hospital AP-HP, U.F.R. of Odontology,
Université Paris 7
, 5 rue Garancière, 75006 Paris, France
Fani Anagnostou
Laboratoire de Biomécanique Biomatériau Ostéo Articulaire and Department of Periodontology, Service of Odontology, Pitié Salpetrière Hospital, et Hôtel-Dieu Hospital AP-HP, U.F.R. of Odontology,
Université Paris 7
, 5 rue Garancière, 75006 Paris, France
Guillaume Haiat
Laboratoire de Modélisation et de Simulation Multi-Echelle, UMR CNRS 8208, CNRS,
Université Paris Est
, 61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, Créteil 94010, Francee-mail:
J Biomech Eng. Feb 2011, 133(2): 021006 (6 pages)
Published Online: January 24, 2011
Article history
August 31, 2010
October 29, 2010
November 29, 2010
January 24, 2011
January 24, 2011
Mathieu, V., Fukui, K., Matsukawa, M., Kawabe, M., Vayron, R., Soffer, E., Anagnostou, F., and Haiat, G. (January 24, 2011). "Micro-Brillouin Scattering Measurements in Mature and Newly Formed Bone Tissue Surrounding an Implant." ASME. J Biomech Eng. February 2011; 133(2): 021006.
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