11R8. Fundamentals of Vibrations. - L Meirovitch (Col of Eng, VP1, Blacksburg VA 24061). McGraw-Hill, New York. 2001. 806 pp. ISBN 0-07-041345-2. $95.50.

Reviewed by RG Parker (Dept of Mech Eng, Ohio State Univ, 206 W 18th Ave, Columbus OH 43210-1107).

Professor Meirovitch has produced a number of widely-used textbooks on dynamics, vibration, and control over the last 35 years. This is especially true at the graduate level, where Analytical Methods in Vibrations (1967, Macmillan) became the standard reference for vibrations researchers. He subsequently produced additional undergraduate and graduate vibrations texts. The ones most relevant to the current book are Elements of Vibration Analysis (1975, 1986, McGraw-Hill) and Principles and Techniques of Vibrations (1997, Prentice-Hall). People familiar with Meirovitch’s books will find the same careful, concise, analytical treatment in this latest book that is the hallmark of his earlier ones. The similarity to Elements of Vibration Analysis is unmistakable in...

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