
We develop a generalized stress inversion technique (or the generalized inversion method) capable of recovering stresses in linear elastic bodies subjected to arbitrary cuts. Specifically, given a set of displacement measurements found experimentally from digital image correlation (DIC), we formulate a stress estimation inverse problem as a partial differential equation-constrained optimization problem. We use gradient-based optimization methods, and we accordingly derive the necessary gradient and Hessian information in a matrix-free form to allow for parallel, large-scale operations. By using a combination of finite elements, DIC, and a matrix-free optimization framework, the generalized inversion method can be used on any arbitrary geometry, provided that the DIC camera can view a sufficient part of the surface. We present numerical simulations and experiments, and we demonstrate that the generalized inversion method can be applied to estimate residual stress.

1 Introduction

The process of manufacturing often introduces residual stresses within a structure. Some processes include nonuniform plastic deformation (such as through forging and bending), surface modification (such as machining), and material phase changes (such as through welding and quenching) [1]. If not properly accounted for, these stresses can lead to unexpected performance including failure. This phenomenon is even more prominent in the additive manufacturing (AM) process, which relies on the layer-by-layer deposition of material to build up a structure of interest. As each layer is deposited, thermal gradients and solidification result in residual stresses within internal volumes, some of which may exceed the yield strength of the material. Recent experiences in the AM community [2,3] have demonstrated the detrimental effects that residual stress have on AM parts.

We present a generalized relaxation-based stress recovery technique, capable of being applied to an arbitrary geometry. In this approach, a specimen is physically cut, and digital image correlation (DIC) [4] is used to measure the displacements due to the relaxation of the now-released stresses. Then, we solve the following inverse problem. Given some measured displacements, determine the tractions on the cut surfaces that caused the observed deformation. We formulate this inverse problem as a quadratic partial differential equation (PDE)-constrained optimization problem. Once tractions are obtained, we can apply Cauchy’s Stress principle to recover stresses that are released by a related cut. The traction identification problem falls within the category of source or force inversion problems, which have been treated in various applications across science and engineering. A few examples can be found in Refs. [57].

Our proposed method has several advantages. First, the generalized inversion method can be used on arbitrary geometries, provided that the geometry is sufficiently observable. By sufficiently observable, we mean two things. First, the geometry must have an accurate finite element (FE) model and is conducive for DIC measurements [4,8]. The other caveat is that the measured DIC data must actually contain some notion of the released residual stress; for example, the data must record some sufficient deformation. The second advantage is that using DIC offers flexibility in choosing cut and measurement locations. Data can be gathered on any surface as long as the surface is observable. In addition, we note that DIC obtains high-resolution and dense data over a relatively large surface area, thus capable of providing the generalized inversion method with as much information as possible and making the method more robust. Finally, in our proposed method, we can estimate all traction components and hence all components of stress. Because DIC is able to capture both in-plane and out-of-plane displacements, this information is used by the proposed method to invert for all traction components.

Our proposed approach encompasses a large family of problems, including the estimation of residual stresses through relaxation techniques. The particular situation in the latter class of problems is the presence of eigenstresses, which exist in the absence of any external loading. As shown in Sec. 2, these stress fields represent a particular case addressed by our approach. Residual stress identification is our primary motivation for the development of the proposed approach.

Relaxation-based methods for determining residual stress have a rich and well-developed history. These methods include layer removal, sectioning [1], hole drilling [1,9], slitting, and most recently, the contour method [10]. For many of these cases, the specimen geometry and the type of cut made correspond with the particular method, and they each have varying degrees of specimen damage and amount of stress information recovered. For example, although the layer removal and sectioning methods can determine stresses throughout the body, these methods may lead to challenging experimental situations related to cutting and measuring complex specimens. The hole-drilling method is semidestructive and makes minor perturbations on a larger structure, making it more attractive, although it can only determine stress fields close to the specimen surface. Digital image correlation has been combined with some of these existing methods such as hole drilling [11,12]. We want to emphasize that our goal is to develop a new methodology for measuring residual stress rather than augment previous ones.

The two methods that are the most similar to the generalized inversion technique proposed herein are the slitting method and the contour method. In the slitting method, only the normal traction is recovered on the surface of a cut [9,1315]; this approach does not provide full-field stress information since it ignores shear tractions. Moreover, in the slitting method, it is assumed that the stress profile is constant through the thickness of the part. The slitting method is best suited for prismatic-shaped specimens. Finally, only one strain gauge is typically used in the slitting method, limiting the amount of information recorded by each cut.

The contour method is the most general of the previously developed approaches for measuring residual stress [10,1618]. In the contour method, a finite element model is used to estimate residual stress throughout a body by imposing measured displacements normal to the surface as essential or Dirichlet boundary conditions. The measured contours are averaged to remove the effect of shear stresses in the cut plane. The stress field that results from imposing these averaged contours as boundary conditions is solely related to the normal components of traction on the surface.

There are a couple of limitations with the contour method that we will try to overcome with our proposed method. First, in the countour method, the body has to be symmetric with respect to the cut plane to suppress the influence of shear stresses through the averaging of the measured contours. Second, because measured displacements are enforced as boundary conditions, measurement noise can propagate, in a potentially amplified fashion, to the residual stress solution in a neighborhood of the cut surface. To see this, notice that stresses are proportional to strains, which in turn are computed by differentiating displacements. Hence, noise in the measurements is also differentiated leading to an amplification of errors. However, noise effects may be mitigated through averaging and filtering. In summary, the main limiting factor of the contour method is the need for symmetry about the cut plane or, equivalently, the fact that only stresses associated with normal components of tractions can be identified. Our proposed approach aims at identifying residual stresses in arbitrary geometries with arbitrary cuts, while formally treating noise within the framework of regularized inverse problems.

It is important to recognize that the mentioned limitations of the contour method may not be an issue depending on the problem at hand, and we acknowledge that this is one of the most general methods for recovering residual stresses currently available.

There exist nondestructive methods for quantifying residual stress [1,1921]. For instance, in x-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction approaches, changes in the atomic lattice spacing of the sample are measured by using electromagnetic scattering and penetrating radiation, respectively [20,21]. However, these methods have trade-offs between the amount of energy used and the specimen penetration depth. For example, x-ray diffraction is traditionally limited to near-surface measurements although increasing the amount of radiation, as in the synchrotron x-ray method, directly corresponds to the measurable depth [1]. One drawback of these methods is the requirement of prohibitively expensive radiation sources. We will not further address nondestructive approaches in our work.

We note that other methods make use of finite element (FE) simulations. Specifically, some of these methods use the concept of eigenstrain [22], which arises from the fact that the total strain within a body is the sum of the elastic and inelastic (or eigenstrain) parts. Then, by determining the eigenstrain, the residual stress can be found. This inverse problem, known as the inverse eigenstrain technique as developed in Refs. [2325], consists of determining the eigenstrain distribution by minimizing the error between the forward stress calculations and the measured stress data (found from elastic strain measurements). While similar in concept, this method is implemented using a least-squares solution and may not be scalable to large-scale problems. Other approaches such as Ref. [26] focus on using measurements localized in the incompatible region, reducing the need to determine the full eigenstrain distribution. Eigenstrain-free methodologies have also been developed. Using equilibrium-satisfying and compatible stress basis functions (such as Airy Stress), the residual stress field can be reconstructed from limited measurements [27]. In addition, data-driven approaches [28] have shown good residual stress reconstructions although they rely on a priori model of the residual stress distribution. Overall, our goal differs from the aforementioned approaches in that we are aiming to generalize current relaxation-based methods.

The proposed generalized inversion method mitigates many of the drawbacks of the current methods. The use of a finite element model allows for the recovery of stress on an arbitrary body, and the use of DIC data captures all three displacement components on an arbitrary surface. In addition, residual stresses are estimated using a regularized inversion approach tailored to deal with measurement noise. The generalized inversion method then combines these approaches to efficiently determine the full-field residual within a body with reasonable computational and experimental costs.

The remainder of this article is organized as follows. First, we present a formulation for a body undergoing deformation due to residual stress in Sec. 2. We show how a mechanically induced traction can be used to obtain stress throughout the body. Then, given measurements obtained by DIC, we setup the inverse problem and use PDE-constrained optimization to invert for tractions. We also provide an explanation of how the derivatives are calculated in the optimization framework. Then, we validate the method by comparing it with the slitting method on simplified numerical examples in Sec. 3. We also demonstrate its capability by inverting for stresses on a more complex AM part in Sec. 4. Finally, we provide closing remarks in Sec. 5.

2 Problem Formulation

In this section, we first define the forward problem in Sec. 2.1 by using the elastostatics formulation to solve for displacements (and then postprocess for stresses) in a body due to applied tractions. Then, we define the corresponding inverse problem in Sec. 2.2 where we find tractions given some observed displacement fields, and we convert the inverse problem to the corresponding PDE-constrained optimization problem to solve for tractions (and hence stress). We finally include some remarks on the observability of relaxed stress and its implication in our formulation in Sec. 2.3.

2.1 Forward Problem Formulation.

Consider a body Ω with an existing stress field present as shown in Fig. 1(a). Dirichlet boundary conditions are prescribed on ΓD, and ΓN denotes the Neumann boundary. We denote the existing stress field in the reference domain as σ.

Fig. 1
Body in the reference configuration: (a) body with initial stress and (b) same body with a cut interface defined
Fig. 1
Body in the reference configuration: (a) body with initial stress and (b) same body with a cut interface defined
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If the stress field is self-equilibrating, then in the absence of external tractions, it satisfies
where Ω represents the body under consideration. Notice that infinitely many stress fields may satisfy Eq. (1), and we denote the set of all self-equilibrating stress fields as Σ. We remark that this set Σ is a vector space, as it is closed under tensor addition and scalar multiplication. It is important to mention that “residual” stresses as commonly defined in the literature are eigenstresses. We will use the word “existing” or “released” stress to generally refer to any stress field that was present in the uncut body. We will reserve the word “residual” stress to refer particularly to eigenstresses.

To identify an existing stress field, we appeal to the relaxation principle: by physically cutting or removing material from a body, the existing stress redistributes and causes (typically) elastic deformation. The ensuing deformation can be uniquely related to the relaxed stress using the governing equations of elasticity, which in turn we can use in our inversion approach.

Remark 1

We emphasize that the deformations due to the stress redistribution are assumed to be elastic and linear. The body does not deform plastically when relaxing. We also assume that the deformations are small. Then, we can use the principle of superposition in formulating our forward problem.

We define a cut surface ΓC on the body as shown in Fig. 1(b). Our domain Ω is divided into Ω1 and Ω2, such that Ω=Ω1Ω2. Notice that the tractions and normal vectors, respectively, on opposite sides of the interface satisfy
Now, let the tractions shown in Fig. 2(a) along the interface vanish, inducing a displacement field u and relaxing the corresponding existing stress. This new configuration is depicted in Fig. 2(b).
Fig. 2
Body transitioning from the reference to current configuration as the tractions along an interface are released. (a) Tractions to be released along the cut. Notice that these tractions are equal and opposite to each other. (b) Observed deformation after releasing tractions.
Fig. 2
Body transitioning from the reference to current configuration as the tractions along an interface are released. (a) Tractions to be released along the cut. Notice that these tractions are equal and opposite to each other. (b) Observed deformation after releasing tractions.
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Notice that the displacement field u can be observed/measured. Therefore, we could use it to infer the relaxed tractions and, hence, stresses through an inverse problem. However, we first need to connect these quantities through a suitable mathematical model. To this end, we can think of the relaxed displacements as those induced by applying tractions, T^i=Ti (equal and opposite to the existing ones), to create the relaxed state. These tractions, in turn, induce a stress field σ^=σ (negative of the released stress). We refer to the process of applying negative tractions and computing displacements and stresses as the relaxation problem. By using superposition, we can add displacements, tractions, and stresses in the reference configuration to those from the relaxation problem to arrive at a zero-stress (relaxed) state. We can describe the relaxation problem as follows:
where ε is the small strain tensor, C is the elasticity tensor, and the ith index refers to the ith part of the body. We are using the notation σ^i:=σ^|Ωi and ui:=u|Ωi to denote restrictions of stresses and displacements over Ωi. We are assuming infinitesimal strain. Notice that, without loss of generality, we are using zero tractions on ΓNi. In general, the displacement field u is interpreted as that produced exclusively by the released stress field.
We use the weak form of Eq. (3) to construct finite element approximations to the solution. The weak form can be stated as follows: find uiW, such that
where W is a suitable function space with elements that vanish on ΓD, a(w,u) is a bilinear form defined as follows:
and l(wi) is a linear functional defined as follows:
By using a conventional finite element approximation [29] along with Eq. (4), we obtain
where [K] is the stiffness matrix, u^ represents nodal displacements, and F is the force vector. In practice, problems involving eigenstresses are considered with the absence of any Dirichlet or support condition. In the latter situation, Eq. (7) has infinitely many solutions. In this case, uniqueness can be recovered by seeking solutions in the orthogonal complement of the null space of [K].

2.2 Inverse Problem Formulation.

We now present an inverse problem formulation to estimate the traction T^ from displacements observed after cutting the body and allowing it to relax, denoted as measured displacements um. Notice that once T^ is identified, we can recover the released stress field through the boundary value problems in Eq. (3).

Since T^ can vary along ΓC, we need to discretize it. To this end, we partition the cut interface into q disjoint patches as follows:
We now introduce a piecewise-constant approximation of the traction vector as follows:
where 1 is an indicator function defined as follows:
and t^kj is the kth component of traction over the jth partition. We note that other basis functions may be used to approximate the traction vector. We choose to work with a piecewise-constant scheme for its simplicity (and without loss of generality).
Using Eq. (9) in the finite element version of Eq. (6), the system of equations can be rewritten as follows:
where t^ encapsulates the traction coefficients from Eq. (9) and [D] stems from the surface integral in Eq. (6).
We define an objective function that measures the discrepancy between observed and FE displacement fields in a conventional least-squares sense [30] as follows:
where [Q] is an observation matrix to select a subset of measured degrees-of-freedom, κu is a scaling constant, R:RpR is a regularization operator, and p is the number of design variables. For simplicity, we consider an 2 regularization as follows:
where α is the Tikhonov parameter [30,31]. The 2 operator is defined as follows:
where aRk.
The inverse problem is cast as an optimization problem as follows:
where n is the number of nodal degrees-of-freedom and q is the number of design variables. Because of the linear relationship between t (design variables) and u^, and well-posedness of the problem in Eq. (11), the optimization problem in Eq. (15) is strictly convex. That is, we can find a unique global minimizer.
We use a reduced space view of the optimization problem (15). That is, we remove the equality constraint by expressing the displacement vector u^ as an implicit function of the traction vector t^. Since the forward problem in Eq. (11) is well-posed (i.e., there exists a unique solution u^ for each t^), we can invoke the implicit function theorem [32] to write a reduced objective problem as follows:
Then, the reduced optimization problem can be written as follows:
By using the Adjoint approach [32], we can show that the gradient of the reduced objective function is
where λ solves the adjoint problem
We will use second-order optimization algorithms to solve large-scale systems (e.g., Eq. (15)) in a matrix-free manner. For this purpose, we derive an expression for the Hessian-vector product operation:
where [H]:=2J^ (the Hessian) and s is an arbitrary vector. (More derivation details can be found in Ref. [30].) Given these components, we note that a large variety of gradient-based methods exist to solve Eq. (17) (see Ref. [33]), and any optimization library may be used. We employed the Rapid Optimization Library [34] package in conjunction with the software suite sierra/sd [35].

In this study, we used the L-curve criterion for selecting the Tikhonov parameter α that appears in Eq. (13). We selected this approach as there is no assumption made on the noise level. The method strives for a balance between the magnitude of the regularization term and the misfit error (i.e., error between predicted and measured quantities). More details on the L-curve approach can be found in Ref. [31].

2.3 Remarks on Observability.

As mentioned earlier, a residual stress field may be composed of multiple self-equilibrating fields. In this case, multiple cuts are needed to recover the entire residual stress since we can only observe or identify a field relaxed by a given cut. To address this problem, we can define a set of surface cuts {ΓCj}j=1Nc with corresponding measured displacements {umj}j=1Nc, where Nc is the number of cuts. Assuming that the body can be completely relaxed by a finite number of cuts, we can solve a sequence of optimization problems as shown in Eq. (17) (one for each cut). The number of cuts is selected as to render the body completely relaxed. Letting σj be the identified stress for a given ΓCj, the total residual stress field would be σ=jσj due to the principle of superposition.

We would like to point out that the actual number of cuts that renders a body fully relaxed cannot be determined, in general, a priori. Moreover, it may be impossible to render a body completely relaxed by a finite number of cuts. We will limit the scope of this study to the case of identifying the released stress associated with a single cut. We will pursue the problem of identifying multiple self-equilibrating fields in the future work.

3 Synthetic Experiments

We demonstrate our generalized inversion method on three synthetic experiments: a thin-wall structure in Fig. 3(a), a beam on a baseplate structure in Fig. 3(b), and a bridge-like arch in Fig. 3(c).

Fig. 3
Models used in the numerical experiments: (a) thin-wall model, (b) beam-on-baseplate model, and (c) arch model
Fig. 3
Models used in the numerical experiments: (a) thin-wall model, (b) beam-on-baseplate model, and (c) arch model
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By using the wall model in Sec. 3.1, we study two different induced stress distributions. In the first case in Sec. 3.1.1, we induce stresses by applying normal tractions on the exterior lateral surfaces. We then synthetically cut the wall down its center, allowing the body to relax and deform. The observed displacements is used to recover tractions along the cut plane and the associated released stress. In the second case in Sec. 3.1.2, we use temperature differences to induce a complex stress field in the structure. One of the goals of using a thin-wall structure is to provide a side-by-side comparison of our generalized inversion approach with the well-known slitting method [14]. As such, we restrict the generalized inversion method to recover only the normal traction components to provide the same set of solutions as that of the slitting method.

We now briefly review the slitting method. The fundamental principle behind the slitting method is that any measured deformation induced by the creation of a slit can be related to normal tractions (on the slit) as follows:
where ɛ(h) is the measured strain (along a certain direction) as a function of the depth cut h, h0 is the initial depth of the cut, G is the system transfer function or kernel, and T^n represents the released normal stress or traction along the length of the cut. Strains directly opposite to the direction of the cut as shown in Fig. 4 are measured as the slit is incrementally created. These incrementally measured strains are collected into a vector denoted as εm. We assume that the cut occurs in a discrete fashion over q increments. We will use the notation for tractions introduced in Eqs. (8) and (9). To this end, discrete normal tractions are collected in a vector t^.
Fig. 4
Thin-wall geometry model undergoing applied pressures on its sides. Note that the bottom four corners of the wall are constrained. The coordinate system triad is located at the origin of the model.
Fig. 4
Thin-wall geometry model undergoing applied pressures on its sides. Note that the bottom four corners of the wall are constrained. The coordinate system triad is located at the origin of the model.
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The kernel G is numerically approximated using a finite element model and represented in a discrete form by the compliance matrix G. Let Lj be the length of the incremental cut ΓCj. The depth of a sequence of incremental cuts, {ΓCj}j=1p,pq, is expressed as follows:
where D is the depth of the entire cut ΓC. The strain at a given point resulting from this sequence of incremental cuts as a function of the tractions is given as follows:
Then, the tractions associated with the measured strains εm are found through the regularized least-squares problem:
where R is a (linear) regularization operator and α > 0 is the Tikhonov parameter. The solution to Eq. (24) can be found from the normal equations:
For 2 regularization, R is the identity matrix. However, other choices of R may be a first or second derivative penalization matrix, as shown in Refs. [9,14,15,31,36], or any combination thereof. We note that changing the regularization terms in this manner is akin to injecting some a priori knowledge about the existing stress profile. We will show results using both the 2 and the first-derivative operator in Sec. 4. For full details of the slitting method, we refer the reader to Ref. [14].

We also apply the generalized method to recover stresses induced by eigenstrains [37] in Sec. 3.2. In this example, we apply a spatially varying eigenstrain to a beam on a baseplate with a rectangular hole without any Dirichlet boundary conditions to generate a known residual stress profile. The baseplate rectangular hole is directly underneath the parts of the beam with the induced eigenstrain to isolate the eigenstrain effects. This example allows a direct comparison between the residual stresses released by the cut and the inverted-for stresses.

A potential application of our proposed method is to recover residual stresses in additively manufactured components as the process of layer deposition induces high stresses [38]. Hence, we present a third example that demonstrates how our generalized inversion approach can be applied to AM parts. We consider an arch structure in Sec. 3.3 and induce a stress field by applying a traction field over one of its leg surfaces. Then, using synthetic displacement data, we invert for all traction components on that cut plane. A physical experiment will also be performed on this arch model in Sec. 4.

To evaluate the robustness of our proposed approach (and others studied herein), we introduce error into synthetic measurements using a zero-mean (white) Gaussian noise. Each measurement (including displacement and strain data) is perturbed by adding varying amounts of a zero-mean Gaussian noise as follows:
where the components of the random vector η are ηkN(0,1), p is the noise level, um is the synthetic measured data, and um* is the noise-free displacement. Notice that the white noise has no spatial correlation. We also evaluate the accuracy of our reconstructions using the relative error between the recovered traction coefficients and the true ones. We define the relative 2 error (δ) as follows:

3.1 Thin Wall Example.

In this example, we consider a cut down the wall model discretized into 50 incremental cuts. The thin-wall model has dimensions 30 mm × 20 mm × 2 mm, which is divided into 19,000 eight-noded hexahedral elements. Figure 4 shows in more detail the geometry and mesh used. We use displacements on the entire front surface of the wall for the inversion. To generate data for the slitting method comparison, the average strain at the bottom of the wall is recorded, as indicated by the strain gauge placement shown in Fig. 4.

We contrast results from the slitting and the proposed generalized method by comparing the normal tractions recovered on the cut plane. From Cauchy’s stress principle (see Eq. (3d)), the normal traction on the cut plane corresponds to the released stress component along the X-direction (σxx).

3.1.1 Applied Pressures.

In this example, we induced a stress field by applying a parabolic pressure over the outer lateral surfaces of the thin wall as observed in Fig. 5(a). The applied pressure is used to induce a known stress field, which can then be used to judge the accuracy of reconstructions obtained using our proposed generalized approach and the slitting method. Figure 5(b) shows the true induced stress component along the X-direction (normal to the slit). The displacements (Fig. 5(a)) needed for the generalized inversion method are obtained by solving the forward problem with the slit present, and the strains needed for the slitting method are found by solving forward problems sequentially with an increasing slit depth. This slit runs through 96% of the wall, and the bottom four corners of the thin wall are constrained.

The normal traction and the corresponding stress field along the slit were recovered using the proposed generalized inversion approach and the slitting method. For each case, we present the inferred normal stress along the cut (Figs. 6(a)6(c)). We can see in Fig. 6(b) that the solution recovered using the slitting method becomes oscillatory near the tip of the slit. This behavior reflects both the conditioning of the system matrix in Eq. (25) and the choice of the regularization operator. To illustrate this point, in Fig. 6(b), we used an 2-norm as the regularization operator, which keeps the magnitude of the solution bounded, but it is insensitive to oscillations. On the other hand, when we used a first-derivative smoothing operator, which penalizes oscillations, we obtained a smoother solution as shown in Fig. 6(c). We did not observe these oscillations in our proposed generalized inversion method even when an 2 norm was used for regularization. This behavior could be explained by the fact that displacements are measured instead of strains, and observations are taken over many points on a surface. Away from the tip region, both methods recover the normal traction (normal stress) profiles accurately for different levels of noise.

Fig. 5
(a) Observed displacements after cutting 96% through the wall undergoing a parabolic applied pressures (min = 120 MPa in compression, max = 505 MPa in tension). (b) Induced stress profile down the depth of the slit due to applied pressures. The bottom four corners of the wall are constrained.
Fig. 5
(a) Observed displacements after cutting 96% through the wall undergoing a parabolic applied pressures (min = 120 MPa in compression, max = 505 MPa in tension). (b) Induced stress profile down the depth of the slit due to applied pressures. The bottom four corners of the wall are constrained.
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Fig. 6
Recovered stress profiles from the pressure case using the generalized inversion method and the slitting method for different amounts of noise: (a) generalized inversion method, (b) slitting method with ℓ2 penalization, and (c) slitting method with first-derivative penalization
Fig. 6
Recovered stress profiles from the pressure case using the generalized inversion method and the slitting method for different amounts of noise: (a) generalized inversion method, (b) slitting method with ℓ2 penalization, and (c) slitting method with first-derivative penalization
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We would like to point out that the support conditions in this example render the body statically indeterminate. This fact does not limit the applicability of either method, despite the slitting method being used with simple supports in many practical cases. Also, the oscillatory solutions depicted in Fig. 6(b) for the slitting method are particular to the current example due to the choice of regularization parameter and the conditioning of G. The latter is influenced by the number of slits used (i.e., the more the slits are used, the worse the condition number of G). As mentioned earlier, improved results can be obtained by using derivative-based regularization operators and using a small number of slits, which translates into an improved conditioning of G.

The relative error and the chosen Tikhonov value are presented in Table 1. We observe that the error in the solution increases with noise for both methods, as expected. High errors are observed for the 2 regularization case, which reflects the poor quality of the reconstructions near the end of the cut. On the other hand, notice that a derivative-based regularization operator leads to improved solutions and ameliorates the oscillations by injecting a priori knowledge about the released stress profile [13,14].

Table 1

Thin-wall applied pressures inversion results

CaseNoise (%)Tikhonovδ (%)
Generalized inversion method004.93
Slitting (2 regularization)000.083
Slitting (first-derivative regularization)000.083
CaseNoise (%)Tikhonovδ (%)
Generalized inversion method004.93
Slitting (2 regularization)000.083
Slitting (first-derivative regularization)000.083

3.1.2 Thermal.

In the second case, the thin wall is subjected to a temperature gradient with its outer walls constrained. As shown in Fig. 7, the top half of the wall is subjected to a positive temperature difference of +50 °C, and the bottom half of the wall is subjected to a negative temperature difference of −50°C. In this example, the normal stress over a centerline is discontinuous at the interface between the heated and cooled blocks as shown in Fig. 8(b).

Fig. 7
Thin-wall geometry model undergoing a thermal expansion and contraction. The top half of the wall has a positive temperature change (+50°C), and the bottom half of the wall has a negative temperature change (−50°C). The sides of the wall are constrained. The coordinate system triad is located at the origin of the model.
Fig. 7
Thin-wall geometry model undergoing a thermal expansion and contraction. The top half of the wall has a positive temperature change (+50°C), and the bottom half of the wall has a negative temperature change (−50°C). The sides of the wall are constrained. The coordinate system triad is located at the origin of the model.
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Fig. 8
(a) Observed displacement after cutting 90% through the wall undergoing thermal effects and (b) stress profile induced down the thin-wall model by heating the upper half of the wall by +50°C and cooling the lower half of the wall by −50°C
Fig. 8
(a) Observed displacement after cutting 90% through the wall undergoing thermal effects and (b) stress profile induced down the thin-wall model by heating the upper half of the wall by +50°C and cooling the lower half of the wall by −50°C
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The inversion results for both the generalized method and the slitting method are shown in Fig. 9 and tabulated in Table 2. Similar to the previous example, the generalized and the slitting methods with noise-free measurements recovered the stress profile very accurately, while the error increased in both cases with increasing noise. However, we notice that the solution error for the generalized inversion method was lower for all cases with noise. From this result, we make two main observations. The first is that in this example using the first-derivative penalty operator in Fig. 9(c) does not yield a significant improvement over the 2 operator shown in Fig. 9(b). This indicates that the choice of optimal regularization operator is problem dependent. We refer the reader to Refs. [15,36] for additional choices of regularization. The second observation is that the generalized inversion method accurately captures the discontinuity in the stress profile. This improved accuracy in the generalized inversion method can be attributed to the fact that the entire displacement field over the front surface is used in the reconstruction. On the other hand, the conventional slitting method only uses one strain measurement near the bottom of the wall. We investigated the effect of adding more strain measurements on the reconstructions obtained with the slitting method. As expected, as the number of measurements increased as shown in Fig. 10(a), the solution error decreased as shown in Figs. 10(b) and 10(c).

Fig. 9
Recovered stress profiles from the thermal case using the generalized inversion method and the slitting method for different amounts of noise: (a) generalized inversion method, (b) slitting method with ℓ2 regularization, and (c) slitting method with first-derivative penalty
Fig. 9
Recovered stress profiles from the thermal case using the generalized inversion method and the slitting method for different amounts of noise: (a) generalized inversion method, (b) slitting method with ℓ2 regularization, and (c) slitting method with first-derivative penalty
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Fig. 10
Recovered stress profiles from the thermal case using the generalized inversion method and the slitting method for different amounts of noise and with multiple sensors: (a) strain gauge placements, (b) slitting method with ℓ2 regularization, and (c) slitting method with first-derivative penalty
Fig. 10
Recovered stress profiles from the thermal case using the generalized inversion method and the slitting method for different amounts of noise and with multiple sensors: (a) strain gauge placements, (b) slitting method with ℓ2 regularization, and (c) slitting method with first-derivative penalty
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Table 2

Thin-wall thermal inversion results

CaseNoise (%)Tikhonovδ (%)
Generalized inversion method01.00e−97.18
Slitting (2 regularization)003.80
Slitting (first-derivative regularization)003.80
Slitting (2) (multiple strain gauges)004.12
Slitting (first derivative) (multiple strain gauges)004.12
CaseNoise (%)Tikhonovδ (%)
Generalized inversion method01.00e−97.18
Slitting (2 regularization)003.80
Slitting (first-derivative regularization)003.80
Slitting (2) (multiple strain gauges)004.12
Slitting (first derivative) (multiple strain gauges)004.12

It is possible to obtain comparable errors with both approaches (generalized and slitting) by refining the traction discretization and increasing the number of measurements. However, these actions have very different consequences on the methods in question. For instance, finer discretizations of the traction profile in the slitting method requires physically inducing more slits. Also, using just one strain gauge as the number of slits is increased can worsen the condition number of the system matrix in Eq. (25). Conversely, traction discretizations can be easily changed in the generalized method by refining the finite element mesh. The latter would yield a larger number of unknowns, which is compensated by the large amount of data in high-resolution DIC. In addition, we note that the generalized method allows for stress inversion on complex geometries, as we will show in the next example.

3.2 Eigenstress Example.

We now consider a model with some imposed eigenstrain and free of Dirichlet boundary conditions. A beam (203.2 mm × 38.1 mm × 38.1 mm) is attached to a baseplate as shown in Fig. 11, and the origin of the model is at the center of the cut surface of the beam as shown by the coordinate system triad. The baseplate (203.2 mm × 38.1 mm × 127 mm) has a rectangular hole (76.2 mm × 50.8 mm). A spatially varying eigenstrain is imposed by applying an element-wise unit temperature change within the inner blocks of the beam (above the hole) [37], where the spatially varying thermal coefficient is computed as follows:
Note that x and y are the element centroids. The thermal coefficient is zero outside the domain.

The imposed eigenstrain is shown in Fig. 12(a). A cut is made along the middle of the beam, and the body is allowed to deform. The displacement field released by the cut is shown in Fig. 12(b). A 5% Gaussian noise is added to the displacement fields taken along the top, side, and cut surfaces; this noisy data are considered as our synthetic measured data.

Fig. 11
Block with support model with 4416 eight-noded hexahedral elements. There are 36 side sets defined along the cut surface of the beam; each side set is one element wide. The material parameters are E = 200 GPa and ν = 0.3. We define the data set to be the combination of the top, side, and cut surfaces (as indicated by the highlighted surfaces).
Fig. 11
Block with support model with 4416 eight-noded hexahedral elements. There are 36 side sets defined along the cut surface of the beam; each side set is one element wide. The material parameters are E = 200 GPa and ν = 0.3. We define the data set to be the combination of the top, side, and cut surfaces (as indicated by the highlighted surfaces).
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Fig. 12
Body with applied eigenstrain: (a) eigenstrain imposed in the inner blocks and (b) released displacement field (after the body is cut)
Fig. 12
Body with applied eigenstrain: (a) eigenstrain imposed in the inner blocks and (b) released displacement field (after the body is cut)
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We then invert for the tractions on the cut surface. To demonstrate efficacy of the method, we compare the released (true) stress components with the recovered stress components throughout the beam. We define the relative error between the released and recovered stress components δσ as follows:
where σijk corresponds to the ijth stress component computed at the centroid of element k, σa and σb correspond to the stress field from the true and recovered cases, respectively, and Nel corresponds to the number of elements in this mesh. We report the objective value, Tikhonov parameter, and δσ in Table 3. We also confirmed that the recovered tractions were self-equilibrating, as expected.
Table 3

Eigenstress beam traction results

Traction (0% Noise)Traction (5% Noise)
Traction (0% Noise)Traction (5% Noise)

In addition, we compare stress components along the X-, Y-, and Z-axes of the beam. Figure 13 shows the true and recovered normal stress components, and Fig. 14 shows the true and recovered shear stress components. We note that given our observed surfaces, the generalized inversion method recovers the relaxed stress field with enough accuracy given the presence of 5% random noise.

Fig. 13
Comparison of normal stress components: (a) normal components along X-axis, (b) normal components along Y-axis, and (c) normal components along Z-axis
Fig. 13
Comparison of normal stress components: (a) normal components along X-axis, (b) normal components along Y-axis, and (c) normal components along Z-axis
Close modal
Fig. 14
Comparison of shear stress components: (a) shear components along X-axis, (b) shear components along Y-axis, and (c) shear components along Z-axis
Fig. 14
Comparison of shear stress components: (a) shear components along X-axis, (b) shear components along Y-axis, and (c) shear components along Z-axis
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3.3 Arch Example: Synthetic Data Case.

In this section, we consider a small bridge-type arch model with dimensions of 20 mm × 4 mm × 8 mm that has a semi-circle of radius 4 mm cut as shown in Fig. 15. The arch sits upon a baseplate of 30 mm × 14 mm × 7 mm. The entire assembly is isotropic with steel parameters as listed in Fig. 15. The aim is to study the performance of our proposed inversion approach using a realistic geometry that will be studied using the experimental data in Sec. 4. The arch structure rests upon a much larger build plate, as indicated by the large flat footprint below the base of the arch. We define the cut surface to be the bottom of the right leg of the arch. To generate synthetic displacement data, two different sets of forces are applied at the foot of the arch. The first case in Sec. 3.3.1 considers linearly varying pressures, while the second case in Sec. 3.3.2 uses a uniform traction at the base of the arch. Note that we are performing two different inversions. The first considers (normal) pressures as the design variables, while the second considers all three traction components. Displacements are measured on the top and side of the arch (see Fig. 15) and are herein referred to as the data set.

Fig. 15
Arch model with 29,104 eight-noded hexahedral elements. There are 96 side sets defined along the cut surface of the arch; each side set is one element wide. The material parameters are E = 200 GPa and ν = 0.3. We define the data set to be the combination of the top (yellow) and side (green) surfaces, as indicated by the top and side labels. The coordinate system triad is located at the origin of the model.
Fig. 15
Arch model with 29,104 eight-noded hexahedral elements. There are 96 side sets defined along the cut surface of the arch; each side set is one element wide. The material parameters are E = 200 GPa and ν = 0.3. We define the data set to be the combination of the top (yellow) and side (green) surfaces, as indicated by the top and side labels. The coordinate system triad is located at the origin of the model.
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3.3.1 Linearly Varying Pressures.

The first example considers a linearly varying pressure at the bottom of the arch, which induces bending about the left foot as shown in Fig. 16. The pressures linearly vary along the X-direction and are constant along the Y-direction. We used our proposed generalized inversion approach to recover pressure on the cut plane using the measured displacements. Figure 17 presents the recovered pressure along the X-axis of the arch foot for a case with 0%, 1%, and 5% noise added to the measured displacements. For the purpose of illustration, we computed the mean and standard deviation of the recovered pressure coefficients along the Y-direction. Each point in Fig. 17 represents the mean pressure at a particular X point, and the error bars represent the standard deviation of the pressures along the Y-axis. Notice that a perfectly recovered pressure profile should only vary linearly along the X-axis and be constant along the Y-axis.

Fig. 16
(a) Synthetic arch displacement data after applying a linearly varying pressure at the cut surface and (b) linearly varying applied pressure profile at the bottom of the arch
Fig. 16
(a) Synthetic arch displacement data after applying a linearly varying pressure at the cut surface and (b) linearly varying applied pressure profile at the bottom of the arch
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Fig. 17
Recovered pressure solutions given 0%, 1%, and 5% noise. Data were measured on the top and side surfaces.
Fig. 17
Recovered pressure solutions given 0%, 1%, and 5% noise. Data were measured on the top and side surfaces.
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We can see that the reconstruction is accurate. Table 4 summarizes the chosen Tikhonov parameter and the δ error between the applied and recovered pressures. For this case, we observe the following expected behavior: for a noise-free data set, we are able to invert very closely to the true tractions for the applied pressure. As the noise level increases, the regularization parameter and the solution error increase.

Table 4

Arch model pressure inversion results

Noise (%)Tikhonovδ (%)
Noise (%)Tikhonovδ (%)

3.3.2 Uniform Traction.

For the second arch example, all three traction components on the cut plane are now considered. To that end, a uniform traction of 3 MPa in all three components is applied to the base of the arch to generate the displacement data. Figure 18 shows the applied traction profile along with the resulting displacements.

Fig. 18
Synthetic arch displacement data generated after applying a uniform traction (〈3 MPa, 3 MPa, 3 MPa〉) at the cut surface: (a) synthetic arch displacement data and (b) uniform traction applied at the bottom of the arch
Fig. 18
Synthetic arch displacement data generated after applying a uniform traction (〈3 MPa, 3 MPa, 3 MPa〉) at the cut surface: (a) synthetic arch displacement data and (b) uniform traction applied at the bottom of the arch
Close modal

We studied two different discretizations at the base of the arch. First, we assume a spatially constant traction, resulting in a total of three design variables (one for each traction component). Second, we consider a base surface discretization as in the previous (linearly varying pressure) case, where we have 96 × 3 = 288 design variables. For the coarse discretization, no regularization is needed; for the finer discretization, a Tikhonov parameter is selected using the L-curve approach.

In a Monte Carlo fashion, we performed 15 different simulations for each noise level to study the effect of additive, zero-mean Gaussian noise on the solution. To summarize our results in this section, we define a signed relative error that measures the discrepancy between the ith components of the recovered tractions and true solution as follows:

We present the box-and-whiskers plot for the signed relative error δd in Figs. 19(a) and 19(b) for the single and multiple side set cases, respectively. In the single side set case (Fig. 19(a)), we notice that the error is centered around zero, which is expected in linear inverse problems with no regularization and zero-mean Gaussian noise. Furthermore, we can observe that the variance of the y-component of traction is an order of magnitude lower than that of the x- and z-components. This result can be explained as follows. First, we know that displacements in the Y direction are primarily induced by the y-component of traction. Second, they are much larger than those in the X and Z directions since the overall structural stiffness for the arch is larger in the latter two directions. Hence, large displacements in the Y direction dominate the objective function (12), leading to the observed results. An example of the recovered traction using one side set is shown in Fig. 20(a).

Fig. 19
Signed error δd for (a) single side set (three design variables) and (b) multiple side sets (288 design variables). A 5% zero-mean Gaussian noise was added, and there were 15 different realizations (N = 15). Regularization was used for the multiple side set case. The boxplot represents the statistics of the signed error computed from 15 realizations. The “whiskers” represent the minimum and maximum signed error, and the solid line in the box (red) indicates the median error value. The top edge represents the 75th percentile, and the bottom edge represents the 25th percentile.
Fig. 19
Signed error δd for (a) single side set (three design variables) and (b) multiple side sets (288 design variables). A 5% zero-mean Gaussian noise was added, and there were 15 different realizations (N = 15). Regularization was used for the multiple side set case. The boxplot represents the statistics of the signed error computed from 15 realizations. The “whiskers” represent the minimum and maximum signed error, and the solid line in the box (red) indicates the median error value. The top edge represents the 75th percentile, and the bottom edge represents the 25th percentile.
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Fig. 20
(a) Example of the recovered tractions on a single side set given an arbitrary 5% noise realization and (b) example of the recovered tractions on the entire discretized surface given an arbitrary 5% noise realization
Fig. 20
(a) Example of the recovered tractions on a single side set given an arbitrary 5% noise realization and (b) example of the recovered tractions on the entire discretized surface given an arbitrary 5% noise realization
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We observe a similar trend when we consider the finer discretization case in Fig. 19(b); the variance of the y-component is much smaller than that of the other components. The same reason that was explained for the single side set case applies here. However, we also observe the effect of using regularization. The expected values of the traction components are biased below zero as their magnitude is penalized by the regularization term. The better accuracy in the z-component than in the x-component can be attributed to measured displacements being more sensitive to the former component than the latter due to the mechanical behavior of the arch. Figure 20(b) shows the recovered tractions for a particular noise realization for the multiple side set case. Table 5 summarizes the average and variance of the signed error (δd) of each component across all of the simulations.

Table 5

Mean (μ) (%) and variance (σ2) of the signed error δd

One Side SetMultiple Side Sets
One Side SetMultiple Side Sets

4 Experimental Results

In this example, we employed the generalized inversion method to determine residual stresses within an additively manufactured part. We printed an arch model with dimensions 20 mm × 8 mm × 4 mm using 316L stainless steel. Two DIC stereo-pairs were used to record images before and after the bottom foot was separated from the plate. One stereo-pair was used to calculate displacements at the top surface, while the other stereo-pair calculated displacements on the side view of the arch. Notice that a relatively large subset size of 49 × 49 pixels2 was used to minimize the displacement noise and is acceptable due to the smooth gradients across the part. However, the large subset size does create a region around the edge where data are unavailable as shown in Fig. 21. To further reduce the DIC displacement noise on a particular surface, we averaged 25 images together to create an averaged noise-free image. We then combined these measurements from both surfaces to form one data set for the inversion process. These displacement data were mapped onto the finite element mesh used for the synthetic data example in Sec. 3.3. Specifically, the coordinate systems from the DIC system and the FE model were aligned, and the DIC data were interpolated onto the mesh. Figure 21 shows the interpolated data on the arch surface. Additional DIC settings are presented in Table 6 [8].

Fig. 21
(a) Interpolated DIC data on the top surface and (b) interpolated DIC data on the side surface
Fig. 21
(a) Interpolated DIC data on the top surface and (b) interpolated DIC data on the side surface
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Table 6

DIC experimental and analysis parameters

DIC ParameterSetting/Value
CameraFLIR Grasshopper GRAS-50S5M 5-megapixel
LensSigma 100-mm macro lenses
Stereo-angle25.9 deg (top) and 26.6 deg (side)
Image scale98.5 (top) and 113.5 (side) pixel/mm
Field of view24.9 × 20.8 mm2 (top) and 21.5 × 18 mm2 (side)
Stand-off355 mm (top) and 325 mm (side)
Frame rate<1 frame/s
Patterning techniqueWhite basecoat, particles blown on wet paint
Feature size3.6 pixels (blob) to 7.8 pixels (autocorrelation)
Pattern size≈ 50 μm particles
ApertureApproximately f/11
Exposure20 ms
SoftwareVic3D 8 Ver 8.2.8
Image filteringGaussian
Subset size49 × 49 pixels2
Step size7 pixels
Subset shape functionAffine
Matching criterionZNSSD
PostprocessingNo filtering. Exported to matlab.
Noise floor (top and side)X = 0.012 μm, Y = 0.012 μm, Z = 0.05 μm
DIC ParameterSetting/Value
CameraFLIR Grasshopper GRAS-50S5M 5-megapixel
LensSigma 100-mm macro lenses
Stereo-angle25.9 deg (top) and 26.6 deg (side)
Image scale98.5 (top) and 113.5 (side) pixel/mm
Field of view24.9 × 20.8 mm2 (top) and 21.5 × 18 mm2 (side)
Stand-off355 mm (top) and 325 mm (side)
Frame rate<1 frame/s
Patterning techniqueWhite basecoat, particles blown on wet paint
Feature size3.6 pixels (blob) to 7.8 pixels (autocorrelation)
Pattern size≈ 50 μm particles
ApertureApproximately f/11
Exposure20 ms
SoftwareVic3D 8 Ver 8.2.8
Image filteringGaussian
Subset size49 × 49 pixels2
Step size7 pixels
Subset shape functionAffine
Matching criterionZNSSD
PostprocessingNo filtering. Exported to matlab.
Noise floor (top and side)X = 0.012 μm, Y = 0.012 μm, Z = 0.05 μm

It is important to note that unlike the synthetic data experiments, there is no ground truth. Therefore, we explore two different representations of the unknown loads. In the first case, we use a distributed pressure, which limits the number of design variables that the data inform, hence regularizing the inverse problem to some extent. The second case corresponds to the use of three-dimensional tractions, which has the highest power of approximation, but may worsen the ill-conditioning of the inverse problem if some of the components are insensitive to the measured displacements. In the end, we are interested in the residual stresses in the body released by the cut. Therefore, if both representations lead to similar solutions (i.e., same approximation accuracy on the data), we would prefer the one with fewer design variables.

Figure 22 shows (a) recovered pressure and (b) recovered traction profiles. We tabulate the inverse problem parameters used and the obtained maximum von Mises in Table 7. Notice that the maximum stress is very similar in both cases. In the traction representation case, the normal components are one order of magnitude larger than the in-plane components, indicating that the normal component dominates the response. Hence, using a pressure representation is sufficient and a preferable option in this problem due to better sensitivity (improved conditioning) and fewer unknowns.

Fig. 22
Inverted-for Pressures using data from the top and side surfaces. The first row shows the inverted results for (a) pressures and (b) traction. The subsequent rows show the (c) normal, (d) X-component, and (e) Y-component of traction.
Fig. 22
Inverted-for Pressures using data from the top and side surfaces. The first row shows the inverted results for (a) pressures and (b) traction. The subsequent rows show the (c) normal, (d) X-component, and (e) Y-component of traction.
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Table 7

Summary of arch results

LoadsTikhonovObjective errorRegularization termMax von Mises (MPa)
LoadsTikhonovObjective errorRegularization termMax von Mises (MPa)

Figures 23(a) and 23(b) demonstrate the residual stress distribution; the stresses are similar to each other. In addition, we compute the relative error between the stress fields between these two models using Eq. (32), where σa corresponds to the stress field from the pressures case, and σb corresponds to the stress field from the tractions case. We report that the relative difference between these two stress fields is 5.44%. Finally, we compute the von Mises stress, and note that the relative difference between the two cases is 3.72%. The maximum Von Mises calculations from the pressures and tractions inversions are 398.6 and 394.0 MPa, respectively, and are within 1.5% of one another. Current material characterization of the utilized machine suggests that the yield strength for the printed parts is in the range of 300–350 MPa [39], and the yield stress of wrought stainless steel is approximately 220–270 MPa [40]. Thus, we have determined that the arch is in the plastic regime.

Fig. 23
Comparison of the von Mises stress distribution for (a) pressures (Max von Mises = 398.6 MPa) and (b) tractions (Max von Mises = 394.0 MPa)
Fig. 23
Comparison of the von Mises stress distribution for (a) pressures (Max von Mises = 398.6 MPa) and (b) tractions (Max von Mises = 394.0 MPa)
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5 Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we present a general PDE-constrained optimization approach coupled with digital image correlation to estimate stresses released in complex structures subjected to arbitrary cuts. Our results indicate that our proposed method can be successfully used to estimate residual stresses. However, more validation is required. The method should be validated against other stress recovery methods, such as neutron diffraction. In addition, as with all relaxation methods, the generalized inversion method can only invert for stresses that were released in the cutting process. Determining where to cut or even what surfaces to measure plays a crucial role in recovering residual stress. Insufficient observed information will yield a poorer residual stress profile. Similarly, given the complexities of AM parts, the assumption that all residual stress is released at the given cut may not hold; the process of iterative cuts including the decision to optimize potential cut locations must also be explored.


The authors thank Paul Farias for running the experiments and the sierra-sd team for their support. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525.


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