We consider the steady-state deformations of elastic tubes spinning steadily and attached in various ways to rigid end plates to which end thrusts and torques are applied. We assume that the tubes are made of homogeneous linearly or nonlinearly anisotropic material and use Simmonds” (1996) simplified dynamic displacement-rotation equations for shells of revolution undergoing large-strain large-rotation axisymmetric bending and torsion. To exploit analytical methods, we confine attention to the nonlinear theory of membranes undergoing small or large strains and the theory of strongly anisotropic tubes suffering small strains. Of particular interest are the boundary layers that appear at each end of the tube, their membrane and bending components, and the penetration of these layers into the tube which, for certain anisotropic materials, may be considerably different from isotropic materials. Remarkably, we find that the behavior of a tube made of a linearly elastic, anisotropic material (having nine elastic parameters) can be described, to a first approximation, by just two combined parameters. The results of the present paper lay the necessary groundwork for a subsequent analysis of the whirling of spinning elastic tubes under end thrusts and torques.

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J. G.
, “
A Simplified Displacement-Rotation Form for the Equations of Motion of Nonlinearly Elastic Shells of Revolution Undergoing Combined Bending and Torsion
, Vol.
, pp.
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